I am still a little dumbfounded by the thought of Tiedang Gong or Iron Crotch Kung Fu. From what I gathered it can either be the practice of a martial art (usually performed by monks) involving being kicked in the privates or some use their penis to lift or pull heavy items. I first read about this in a Mark Twain book "Following the Equator" where a person reportedly lifted 350 lbs. with his genitals. Another instance claimed a monk used his penis to pull a heavy stone roller. I imagine at this point you are all wondering why? The answer depends on who is asked,some claim it not only makes a man better able to protect himself,but also improves his sexual agility and potency. A temple comfirmed the existince of Tiedang Gong but insisted it was for health not sex. It is said to not be widely practice in our time...I can certainly see how that could have happened! I don't think I've ever known a man that would willingly be kicked in the crotch and as for lifting things? It taxes even my vivid imagination.

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