Have you ever heard of "mad honey"? It was my something new learned for today. Bees make "mad honey" from the nectar of the Rhododendron. The symptoms range from madness,vomiting,diarrhea and the inability to stand (with a large dose), a smaller dose produces a state like violent drunkenness. Death is rare,but it takes several days to fully recover from the other symptoms. The pollen and sap of the rhodie contain the toxin too and at one time it was used to make poison arrows. The entire plant should be avoided including using the limbs to roast hot dogs or marshmallows. Fortunately most honey is safe because the bees don't get nectar exclusively from the rhodie so the toxin is diluted enough to make it harmless.

PHEW ! I knew Rhodies kill goats, but I sure didnt know this...Thanks ! Hope ya didnt find this out the hard way. ;-)
ReplyDeleteNot to worry! I read about it and was dumbfounded as I have lived around rhodies all my life and never knew.