I intended to do today's post on Popeye Day (1/17), but got derailed somewhere along the way. Popeye was 86 years old on the 17th of this month and things have changed for him since his debut. The first strip featuring Popeye shows him being hired to sail Castor Oyl (Olive's dad),Olive and her then boyfriend, Ham Gravy to Dice Island,a casino resort. The nefarious Castor brings a secret weapon,Bernice the Whiffle Hen. Whiffle Hens are good luck when you rub the three hairs on their heads. After winning big at the casino they are tracked to the boat and Popeye is shot 15 times. He rubs Bernice's head and proceeds to kick butt in the legendary Popeye fashion. Bernice was well before my time,so my memory of Popeye's restorative powers are limited to spinach.

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