It is possible that I am the only one who didn't know that cats (dogs and horses as well) are right or left pawed depending on their sex. With cats females are about 98% right pawed ( a few are ambidextrous and some are lefties) while males are left pawed by the same percentage. This was determined by several different studies at several different universities. To determine if if your pet is a leftie or a rightie the test has to be complex and challenging,if it is a simple play activity such as batting at a toy mouse they will use their paws equally.
I was thinking it would be great if humans were right or left handed by sex but then I realized if most men were lefties the tables would be turned and right handers would be the odd ones out,oh well back to the drawing board, as usual!

I was thinking it would be great if humans were right or left handed by sex but then I realized if most men were lefties the tables would be turned and right handers would be the odd ones out,oh well back to the drawing board, as usual!
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