Before it even got started the innovative Tucker automobile was laid to rest largely due to negative publicity generated by the ruling "Big Three" automakers who were rightfully scared of the newcomer. 51 cars manufactured in 1948 was all the company managed to produce before going broke defending itself from a baseless charge of stock fraud. The Tucker focused on safety and was way ahead of its time with many features. A perimeter frame and roll bar built into the roof provided crash protection,they also featured a padded dash which other makes didn't offer until the early 60s. The few Tuckers that were produced are most remembered for the 3rd directional headlight,known as the "Cyclops Eye" which activated at steering angles greater than 10 degrees to light the path around corners. Though they sold for around $4,000 in 1948, if a person could find one to purchase today the cost would be in the neighborhood of $1,200,000. The pictures remind me of the Studebaker cars from around that same time period.

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