This is something that has been bothering me for some time and one post in particular on Facebook finally pushed me over the edge. Why is it that the non-gamers feel it is necessary to post that they don't play games so please don't send them invitations? It just has a holier than thou flavor to it,like they are looking down their noses at the people that choose to play games. Can't they just ignore the requests like they would ignore anything else they don't want to read? I think the truth of the matter is they are jealous of a harmless activity that they don't have the time to participate in so they want to belittle the players and make them feel foolish for their choices. I find several of the games a good way of keeping the mind engaged and more worthwhile than some of the self-serving posts that the people who are complaining think are fine to ram down everyone's throat. I try to only send to fellow players when I have requests,but on a couple of occasions I have went ahead and sent to all my Facebook friends with the thought that if you don't ask you won't know. So please find it in your hearts to show some tolerance for a harmless activity,after all it isn't illegal for a person to enjoy themselves in a way that may seem foreign to you.

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