You are probably wondering what possible connection Hula Hoops and iphones have and you will be surprised to see how our country's obsessions have changed for the worse. In 1958 people stood in lines stretching for blocks to become the owner of a Hula Hoop, a product that was modeled after an Australian bamboo ring used as an exercise tool,today people sometimes spend the night outside of stores to be the first to get the latest times change! But that's not really what today's post is about. The Wham-O company made the Hula Hoop,Frisbee,Slip and Slide,Water Wiggler,Superball and Silly String to name a few of their successes,but what people don't remember is their failed attempt to market a do- it- yourself fallout shelter during the Cold War for $119. I can relate to the lack of enthusiasm for that item, as who would want to buy a fallout shelter from a toy company?? Just one minor failure after many great toy inventions.

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