This story could go either way when it comes to if this man was lucky or unlucky. He was unlucky when he cut his hand with a chainsaw. He was also unlucky when he called a hospital and a clinic and was told by both places that it would be about 10 hours before they could treat him. He decided he would stitch the hand himself using a sewing needle and fishing line. He had no antiseptic on hand so he used gin to wash the wound,plus he administered the gin orally for pain. After he finished his medical procedure and still could not reach his wife he decided to seek further medical treatment and took off for the hospital. Here is the part where it becomes difficult to say if he was lucky or unlucky...police pulled him over for running a stop sign. His blood alcohol reading was 0.175,more than three times the legal limit. He was charged with several violations,but he was still alive,so lucky or unlucky?

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