Have you heard about the 63 year old serial stowaway? I don't get it...this woman has not only hopped planes with other people's ID but has also boarded planes and completed flights with no tickets! You long time readers will recall the problems I have had in the past boarding flights with proper ID and ticketing,I'm talking about being gone over with a fine tooth comb,yet this woman has successfully completed flights to several different states, plus on her latest adventure she checked into a $300 a night villa using a fake name. She has been arrested multiple times but is always released in short order,she has also been banned from LAX for all the good it will do. She claims to have an unrecognized medical condition she calls "whistle-blower trauma syndrome",saying she was forced to flee her home by the FBI. Obviously something here is amiss...but the question is,is she crazy like a fox,or really in need of help?

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