Robberies are never a laughing matter however it is hard not to at least smile when you hear about the 25 year old blind man who tried to rob a bank in London brandishing his white cane as a weapon. He walked up to the teller and handed her a note that read "Give me 2,000 pounds (about $2,800) in 50s. If you make a sound you're a dead girl. I am standing in queue with a gun." The teller rang the security alarm,the man panicked and fled running into the glass doors. He then stumbled to the street and was arrested. He later plead guilty and was sentenced to a year in jail which the judge suspended allowing the man to remain free. Not to be nit picky but isn't that a form of discrimination? plus how did he write the note,and how would he have known if the teller handed over money or just some paper? I know that paper and money would feel different,but given the circumstances would he have been too nervous to tell if he had the cash as per his request? I feel a certain amount of respect for the guy for trying even though he was breaking the law.

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