I have no idea where or when I came across the info for today's post,I only found a few words on a scrap of paper and decided to see where it lead. Between the 1940s and the 1970s several ivy league schools required their freshman to pose for a set of nude photos. The photos were part of a project supposedly to study scoliosis,rickets and posture related deficiencies,but there is evidence that the research was used to study the correlation between body shape and intelligence,similar to a study the Nazis compiled. Some of the students photographed include:George Bush,Diane Sawyer,Meryl Streep,and Hillary Rodham Clinton,and though he wasn't mentioned I wonder if JFK was included in the study? Some of the photos have been destroyed,but many are unaccounted for. If you ever see anything like the following at a garage sale or antique store it would be my suggestion to snap them up!

Sunday, May 31, 2015
Saturday, May 30, 2015
For the last week or maybe more there have been commercials for gambling on TV. Don't get me wrong,I have nothing against gambling and the state lottery has put some of their earnings to good use,but these ads are for the local casinos and it is more the tone of the ads that I find irritating than the gambling factor. They show an older woman with white hair crossing a swinging foot bridge in one commercial,and the other one she is riding a roller coaster,then the voice over says "Really?" Then they show the same woman gambling with a big smile on her face after looking anxious before. Stop me if I'm wrong,but doesn't it seem like they are saying instead of being active and taking part in physical activities she should be sitting in a casino gambling? Personally I get bored easily gambling and find it hard to sit still long whether winning or losing,but the really offensive part of these commercials is they are trying to sell a vice,much like tobacco or alcohol ads,both of which are restricted now. There is a reason why gamblers anonymous was formed and I see no reason why these ads aren't considered a temptation for people with a gambling problem. Plus what kind of message does it send to children? That gambling is more fun than physical activity?

Friday, May 29, 2015
It's funny how some things are named and known by that name for eons and then one day you discover the reason behind the name and the man behind the curtain is revealed. Such is the case with Chinese Checkers,a game that can be enjoyed by both the young and old,I learned how to play as a little girl with my Grandma. Chinese Checkers was originally called Halma and became popular in Great Britain in the 1870s, it was based on an older game called Hoppity. The six pointed star,or Stern was introduced in 1892 by a German game company and then named Stern-Halma. In 1928 with the Oriental mystique sweeping the world the game was renamed Chinese Checkers. The Chinese Checkers craze hit the US in 1930s. The game is still called by the original name (Halma) and played by the old rules in Germany. To wrap up the game was never Chinese, nor has it ever had any resemblance to Checkers!

Thursday, May 28, 2015
There's an App for That
While some of the apps that have been introduced are useful,if not for everyone at least for some people,there is an even larger number of apps that are just plain weird. I heard about one for making beer and thought what an odd thing to have an app for,but wait,there's more! Along with your home brew app you can also download:Drunk Dial No! (blocks you from calling people when you are in your cups),Bowel Mover (need I explain?),The Brostache (allows the user to select a mustache then place the phone in front of their mouth and the mustache mouth will mimic your speech),Places I've Pooped (yes,this app records that info) Fake-An-Excuse (supplies excuses why you need to hang up)and if those aren't quite what you need,how about Spirit Story Box:Ghost Hunting Tool (translates what the ghosts around you are saying. Call me old fashion,but I mainly use my phone for placing calls.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015
At some point in the past I did a post about Earth being the only planet in our solar system that was not named for a Greek god or mythological character. Recently I discovered that Venus at one time was called Lucem Ferre (Greek for Lucifer) and thought that was curious. What I found out relating to that information is another surprise. The phrase lucem ferre actually means morning star/bringer of dawn/light bringing. The word was never used to be synonymous with the devil,in fact the only evil connotation that it is related to is a particularly unpopular Babylonian king who was pretty much evil personified. I wonder if all the people that name their black cats Lucifer realize that the name would be more fitting for a bright white cat? or dog for that matter.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015
This Is Only a Test
This is something that has bothered me for a long time, every time I happen to be watching TV when they do the emergency broadcast test I think how effective is this system? Seriously,what good is it? It seems to me that in most disaster situations the power is one of the first things to go,so how is anyone ever going to hear the emergency broadcast? I am one of the few people I know who still listens to FM radio,so I suppose I might hear a broadcast...providing I was driving at the time as again the power being out comes into play otherwise. When I was researching this subject one site was heavy on the broadcast going out over social media,but again if the power is out that cuts the amount of people at least in half that will get the message. I read that some areas have a cell phone alert in the works,but I couldn't find out much more on the logistics of how that would work,i.e. would a person have to sign up their phone number to receive the alert? It is one of those things the government no doubt spent a lot of money on without really thinking it through,or maybe I'm all wet and missing an essential piece of the puzzle?
Anyone remember this puppy? |
Monday, May 25, 2015
Living With the Dead
Today's post is a somewhat appropriate subject for the holiday,not that I planned it that way,it's just the way it happened.
In the Philippines at the Manila North Cemetery there a families living and sometimes doing business in the family crypt. Currently the population of the cemetery is around 10,000 and there are people 60 years old who have been born and lived their entire lives there. 70 years ago as families became too poor to pay their rent they began moving in with their deceased relatives,some started businesses,others worked digging graves or worked security. The children often carry coffins for $.50 as it is said to bring good luck. In 2007 the mayor threatened to evict the whole cemetery as just like regular cities a bad element had moved in with thieves and drug addicts who were robbing the graves,I guess they will need to organize their own police force now that the thugs have moved in!

In the Philippines at the Manila North Cemetery there a families living and sometimes doing business in the family crypt. Currently the population of the cemetery is around 10,000 and there are people 60 years old who have been born and lived their entire lives there. 70 years ago as families became too poor to pay their rent they began moving in with their deceased relatives,some started businesses,others worked digging graves or worked security. The children often carry coffins for $.50 as it is said to bring good luck. In 2007 the mayor threatened to evict the whole cemetery as just like regular cities a bad element had moved in with thieves and drug addicts who were robbing the graves,I guess they will need to organize their own police force now that the thugs have moved in!
Sunday, May 24, 2015
The Subaru Index
For those of you readers who may at times wonder about my sanity today's post is more than likely to be a clincher. I'm not exactly sure how,when or even why I started counting Subaru's on my daily walks about town,but I think it had something to do with noticing that there seemed to be a higher percentage of them than other makes. Toyota would be the highest and Ford second to Toyota. The part I find interesting is the varying number of Subaru and the holidays that increase the baseline number. I have counted as few as four and as many as 25,today's count was 19. The events that bring the young adults out in number also bring the Subaru indicating it is an affordable and cost efficient vehicle. I have no idea at this time what use this information could possibly have,but at least if at some point I need it I will have it on hand! Okay,it's either time for me to look into getting a life,or time for someone to call the funny wagon...I wonder if it will be a Subaru?

Saturday, May 23, 2015
Burn Baby Burn
I didn't realize that asbestos was a natural substance found large deposits on every continent,I guess I assumed since it is bad news that it was man made,it also dates back to the stone age and has been used in a variety of applications through the years. The Egyptians used it for burial shrouds to prevent deterioration,in Finland the fibers were used to make fire resistant pottery. One of uses I found most interesting was the material being used as napkins and table clothes,not only to prevent fires at the table,but also for the ease of cleaning,when they were finished with their meal they tossed the table cloth and napkins into the fire and when they removed them they were cleaner and whiter than when they went into the fire. Even with the many uses of asbestos the side effects did not go unnoticed, a "sickness of the lungs" and "slave disease" were noted in people that mined and worked with the fibers. By 2003 17 countries had full or partial bans on the use of asbestos,in 2005 asbestos was banned throughout the European Union,however as of April 2015, though usage has declined, there is no ban in place in the US. Not exactly a warm and fuzzy feeling.

Friday, May 22, 2015
I'm not sure if I really think this is helpful information,but if not at least it's a fun trivia tidbit. According to Italian researchers if a dog is wagging its tail to the right it's happy,if it's wagging to the left it's not a good wag. This is based on the right brain sending signals to the left side and the left side of the brain sending signals to the right side. The study was conducted by noting how the dogs reacted to different stimuli,then measuring their heart rate and other physical signs showing happiness or fear and anger. Other dog experts didn't seem to think the results were necessarily valid pointing out that many happy dogs wag their tails in circles. As far as being useful in avoiding a dangerous dog I think it would be wiser to consider the whole posture of the animal rather than trying to figure out which side the tail was wagging on...but hey! I imagine good money was spent on this research,so what do I know?

Thursday, May 21, 2015
Much to my delight on my recent trip to Maui I discovered Hawaii is beginning to grow cacao trees and make their own chocolate. Believe it or not one of the obstacles they are facing is the drying sheds for the pods need to be heated! Most cacao producing areas are closer to the equator,in fact 70% of the worlds cacao is grown in Africa,with the dried product shipped to chocolate makers around the world. This new industry is still in its infancy and so far only Oahu,Kauai and the Big Island are harvesting the cacao and producing chocolate. I was only able to find two different Hawaii grown types and though expensive,they are totally worth the price. I knew quality of chocolate varied greatly but the difference in Hawaii grown and other high quality chocolates is vast! I am considering switching from Lindt and mail ordering Hawaiian chocolate,Hawaiian chocolate is a must for any chocoholic!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Fiddling Around
I don't know about everyone else but sometimes my mental conversations come to a screeching halt when I come to something I hadn't thought much of before...of course by now many of you may have noticed that about me. The mental brakes came on recently over the phrase "fit as a fiddle". Once you hear the origin it seems obvious though it had never occurred to me until I read it.
The phrase "fit as a fiddle" has been around for a long time,dating back to the 1600s,quite simply it compares one's health to that of the instrument (fiddle) of being able to perform better when in tune and good repair. The word fit has changed in meaning somewhat since the phrase originated in that today it is used more in describing healthy and energetic,where as in the 1600s it was used more to mean something suitable. Seems like an interesting twist to me,but I'm easily amused!

The phrase "fit as a fiddle" has been around for a long time,dating back to the 1600s,quite simply it compares one's health to that of the instrument (fiddle) of being able to perform better when in tune and good repair. The word fit has changed in meaning somewhat since the phrase originated in that today it is used more in describing healthy and energetic,where as in the 1600s it was used more to mean something suitable. Seems like an interesting twist to me,but I'm easily amused!
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Phony As a $3 Bill
I came across an interesting tidbit today about the Cook Islands. First for those of you who may not know where the Cook Islands are located,they are northeast of New Zealand making them also south of Hawaii. The islands are an independent nation in free association with New Zealand,they make their own laws but keep New Zealand citizenship. Here comes the part I find particularly interesting,they have their own coins and currency in circulation along with New Zealand currency of equal value, though Cook Island currency is not legal tender outside the islands. Their three dollar bill is a popular souvenir as it depicts a naked woman riding a shark. Does that make it funny money?

Monday, May 18, 2015
To Hoax or Not To Hoax
Perhaps some or even most of you have read about the new mental disorder called Selfitis (the obsessive compulsive taking and posting of selfies). According to the hoax which claimed to have been released by the APA (American Psychiatric Association) there were three levels to the compulsion,borderline,acute,and chronic depending on the frequency the individual indulged their desire. Though the story was originally a hoax excessive selfies can be a sign of latent mental issues such as a need for approval and as with most things the key word is excess. I think I have only tried two selfies EVER,and both attempts were made well before the current saturation that is presented on social media. The only reason I mention my selfie struggle is I most always look terrible in pictures no matter who is on the other end of the camera,so over the years I have taken to avoiding the front of a camera if at all possible.

Saturday, May 9, 2015
Princess Pig
I don't usually do posts about the same subject two days in a row,but I am making an exception today. I found this story while researching yesterday's post and since I'm pressed for time today I decided to throw caution to the wind. As mentioned previously pigs and mud/water go together however one little pig,appropriately named Cinderella, was having nothing to do with that disgusting mud,even though her siblings dove right into the mire. Cinder,showing a case of mysophobia (also spelled misophobia),blennophobia,or perhaps borborosophobia (all fears of mud and slime) could only stand on the sidelines shaking in fear. Her thoughtful owners had never seen anything like Cinder's reaction to a pig's natural habitat but remembering the tiny rubber boots in their office they used for holding pens and pencils they brought them out and put them on Cinderella who then joined her siblings. Cinder now waits every morning until her boots are on before getting into the mud. Isn't she the cutest little gal?
I am going to be taking a break for the next week or so,but stay tuned for my return and more stories to follow!

I am going to be taking a break for the next week or so,but stay tuned for my return and more stories to follow!
Friday, May 8, 2015
Sweating Solution
Today's post is one I've had on the back burner for awhile. It is another phrase that doesn't make sense unless you know that it doesn't relate to the obvious definition. The phrase I am referring to is "sweating like a pig". People who are familiar with pigs are aware that pigs don't really sweat (they have too few sweat glands) which is why they are known to wallow in mud or water to keep cool. So how you ask, did the phrase "sweat like a pig" come to be? Sweating like a pig refers to smelting pig iron. When it is poured into the main mold,which is known as a sow, it also spreads out into smaller lines called piglets because they whole of the unit looks like a mother sow nursing her young. Once the iron is cool enough to be removed from the molds it forms sweat on its surface from the surrounding air reaching its dew point. So now you know how to sweat like a pig!

Thursday, May 7, 2015
A Dog Tale
Around a year ago or maybe longer I did a post about dogs being taught to drive in New Zealand (at least I think it was New Zealand),it was a cute story and keep in mind the dogs were being taught to drive. No driving lessons were involved when Don, the farm dog, absconded with his master's tractor south of Edinburgh,Scotland. While his master was busy tending to a lamb the 4 1/2 year old Don decided to go for a joy ride. The outing caused major traffic delays until Don ended up careening into a median,ending his trip. There were no injuries but plenty of dog related puns. Maybe it's just me,but he seems to look really sorry for his behavior.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Dead Dollars
I read that Lithuania had recycled their old money and made it into toilet paper. I thought that was an apt way to lay retired money to waste...but it wasn't true,which made me wonder what happens to money once it's pulled from circulation and shredded. I was a little surprised at what I found. Money can't be made back into money as the inks make imperfections. A small portion of the shredded remains are turned into counter tops,insulation,fuel pellets (money to burn!) and Ford (motor company) uses shredded money along with plastic bottles to make bins,trays and seat fabrics. The bulk of our used up money is "deposited" in landfills. The moral of today's post is,if you are chasing the dollar go to the dump!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Pants on Fire?
It makes a certain amount of sense that there would be a "World's Biggest Liar" contest since most people have known someone that would qualify at some point in their lives. The only rules for the competition is a time limit of 5 minutes and entry is barred to journalists,lawyers,salesmen and politicians on the grounds that they are "professional liars"! The competition dates from the 19th century and is held in honor of a famous fibber who once claimed that the local turnips were so big that people had to quarry into them for their Sunday lunch and what remained after the meal could be used as a shed for livestock. The competition is held annually at the Bridge Inn,Santon Bridge (UK).

Monday, May 4, 2015
Change of Heart
Today's offering still has me scratching my head,it just seems like I am missing a punchline or perhaps one important sentence that would explain it all.
In 2010 a 49 year old man from England was awarded the Portland,Oregon Civilian Medal of Heroism for foiling a bank robbery,so far nothing to strange,but wait there's more! In February of this year he walked into a bank with a gun and shouted at the tellers to hand over everything they had and made off with $15,703. When the police tracked him down he admitted ,"It's me you want,I just robbed a bank". The police are at a loss for a motive as the man runs a home renovation business and hadn't been in trouble with the law since moving to the states over a decade ago.
My only thought is maybe it is all part of the keep Portland weird campaign!

In 2010 a 49 year old man from England was awarded the Portland,Oregon Civilian Medal of Heroism for foiling a bank robbery,so far nothing to strange,but wait there's more! In February of this year he walked into a bank with a gun and shouted at the tellers to hand over everything they had and made off with $15,703. When the police tracked him down he admitted ,"It's me you want,I just robbed a bank". The police are at a loss for a motive as the man runs a home renovation business and hadn't been in trouble with the law since moving to the states over a decade ago.
My only thought is maybe it is all part of the keep Portland weird campaign!
Sunday, May 3, 2015
A Peek at Privies
Since Marcel Duchamp exhibited the first urinal as art in 1917 there have been many imaginative creations in urinal art. I have included some of my favorites.

Wouldn't want your fly caught in this one! |
These would be perfect in a casino. |
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