Much to my delight on my recent trip to Maui I discovered Hawaii is beginning to grow cacao trees and make their own chocolate. Believe it or not one of the obstacles they are facing is the drying sheds for the pods need to be heated! Most cacao producing areas are closer to the equator,in fact 70% of the worlds cacao is grown in Africa,with the dried product shipped to chocolate makers around the world. This new industry is still in its infancy and so far only Oahu,Kauai and the Big Island are harvesting the cacao and producing chocolate. I was only able to find two different Hawaii grown types and though expensive,they are totally worth the price. I knew quality of chocolate varied greatly but the difference in Hawaii grown and other high quality chocolates is vast! I am considering switching from Lindt and mail ordering Hawaiian chocolate,Hawaiian chocolate is a must for any chocoholic!

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