This is something that has bothered me for a long time, every time I happen to be watching TV when they do the emergency broadcast test I think how effective is this system? Seriously,what good is it? It seems to me that in most disaster situations the power is one of the first things to go,so how is anyone ever going to hear the emergency broadcast? I am one of the few people I know who still listens to FM radio,so I suppose I might hear a broadcast...providing I was driving at the time as again the power being out comes into play otherwise. When I was researching this subject one site was heavy on the broadcast going out over social media,but again if the power is out that cuts the amount of people at least in half that will get the message. I read that some areas have a cell phone alert in the works,but I couldn't find out much more on the logistics of how that would work,i.e. would a person have to sign up their phone number to receive the alert? It is one of those things the government no doubt spent a lot of money on without really thinking it through,or maybe I'm all wet and missing an essential piece of the puzzle?
Anyone remember this puppy?
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