For the last week or maybe more there have been commercials for gambling on TV. Don't get me wrong,I have nothing against gambling and the state lottery has put some of their earnings to good use,but these ads are for the local casinos and it is more the tone of the ads that I find irritating than the gambling factor. They show an older woman with white hair crossing a swinging foot bridge in one commercial,and the other one she is riding a roller coaster,then the voice over says "Really?" Then they show the same woman gambling with a big smile on her face after looking anxious before. Stop me if I'm wrong,but doesn't it seem like they are saying instead of being active and taking part in physical activities she should be sitting in a casino gambling? Personally I get bored easily gambling and find it hard to sit still long whether winning or losing,but the really offensive part of these commercials is they are trying to sell a vice,much like tobacco or alcohol ads,both of which are restricted now. There is a reason why gamblers anonymous was formed and I see no reason why these ads aren't considered a temptation for people with a gambling problem. Plus what kind of message does it send to children? That gambling is more fun than physical activity?

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