Today's post is one I've had on the back burner for awhile. It is another phrase that doesn't make sense unless you know that it doesn't relate to the obvious definition. The phrase I am referring to is "sweating like a pig". People who are familiar with pigs are aware that pigs don't really sweat (they have too few sweat glands) which is why they are known to wallow in mud or water to keep cool. So how you ask, did the phrase "sweat like a pig" come to be? Sweating like a pig refers to smelting pig iron. When it is poured into the main mold,which is known as a sow, it also spreads out into smaller lines called piglets because they whole of the unit looks like a mother sow nursing her young. Once the iron is cool enough to be removed from the molds it forms sweat on its surface from the surrounding air reaching its dew point. So now you know how to sweat like a pig!

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