I have two atomic clocks the older one works as advertised though the outside temperature feature no longer functions so it lives in the bathroom,the other one enjoys making me crazy by changing the time by either 3 or 4 hours so I get whiplash when I check the time. That doesn't explain why earlier today when I noticed Halloween costumes in Costco I thought they were a little early,then I decided they weren't that early as it is September which in turn made me panic because I had forgotten to call in for jury duty,yes I eventually realized it is actually August. All that explains why these two twenty-something year old guys had to drink at least 14 beer per day to have enough empties to make a flag for the 4th of July instead of planning ahead and saving the cans. Okay,maybe it doesn't explain anything at all but if these guys keep up at that pace they will become more addled than I am and that seems to be saying something.

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