It is odd how often showering has been the subject of this blog,one of the first times showering appeared here it was about the Brits invention of blow up pokey things coming out of the shower walls after nine minutes to signal that shower time was over. Since that time I have timed my showers just out of curiosity and they average 12 minutes. Next was a repeated theme of shower thoughts composed of the profound and puzzling thoughts that occur while performing the mundane task of cleaning ones body. It now comes to my attention that 19% of people don't wash their legs when they shower for reasons varying from their legs don't get dirty to the shampoo and soap from the upper body serve to clean the legs. I'm in the 81% that do wash their legs,as long as you're in the shower you might as well complete the task at hand rather than leaving the lower half unexposed to the power of a good soaping,or at least that's my shower thought for the day.

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