This shelter at home business is apparently bothering me more than I thought. I knew I was getting confused about what day it is because not doing my regular things makes it harder to keep track but other than that there didn't seem to be a lot of difference,that is until this afternoon. I left to go for my walk and was going to stop into the liquor store for "supplies" on my way back. I go up to the counter to pay and notice the zippered pouch on the front of my purse is open and my driver's license,credit card and bank card which I usually place in the pouch aren't there. PANIC! I immediately retraced my route but no purple packet containing my cards was to be found. I came back home hoping the whole way that I simply hadn't put the packet in the pouch and thank god I hadn't. The moral of the story is it's better to have a full on senior moment than to actually lose your ID,especially at a time when this quarantine has shut down many businesses. Hopefully I've learned my lesson!

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