I've never claimed to be a math person but as with most people I know enough for everyday use and now is the time for those of you who are hoarding toilet paper to brush off your math skills and put them to work. An American man was fed up with the panic buying so he had his daughter film him as he did the math. It was this simple...if you buy 1 30 roll Costco bale of TP each roll has 425 sheets equaling a total of 12,750 sheets,if a person uses 20 sheets per bowel movement that covers 637.5 bowel movements or 45.5 shits per day so if a hoarder buys 4 bales for a family of 4 in quarantine for 14 days they would need to shit 182 times per day. So stop hoarding the toilet paper already! Maybe it's just me but I find this way more entertaining than I probably should.

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