With women's rights came more responsibilities which is to be expected and I would say they were accepted happily. There is still a ways to go to have equality and of course there will always be those ready to abuse any progress which brings me to today's topic. A woman met a man online and they agreed to meet for dinner. They went to an expensive place and had an extravagant meal and beverages but she offered to pay because she'd had a nice time. They met again for dinner and the same type of extravagance and since her dining companion had said he would pay for this meal she was surprised when the bill came and he said he had left his wallet at home,so she was left to pay again and he assured her he would pay next time. She decided to give him one more chance and the third meal was more of the same plus she was bored because he was saying the same things he had talked about at the previous meals. When the bill came he said there was a problem with his account so she would have to get it this time. She said she had left her wallet in the car and left to get it...and never returned! I say good on her and shame on him for being a user.

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