Today I want to share a word I ran across and found the definition a little on the confusing side. The word is "merkin": A pubic hair piece,yes that's right a toupee for your pubic hair. My first thought was who on earth would wear one? it seems like most people go the other way and try to rid themselves of pubic hair. Merkins were first used in the 1700's when mercury was used to treat sexually transmitted diseases,one of the side effects was loss of pubic hair. To disguise the condition a merkin was employed. But wait! it gets better...former president George Bush was constantly heard saying "ah am proud,to be a merkin citezin" (I am proud to be an American citizen). I have to admit,when it comes to unintentional laughs,the Bushes were hard to beat...not to be confused with beating around the bush. Never mind that the word bush is also slang for the pubic region. It all seems to make some kind of crazy sense now,or is that just me??

OMG! This is Hilarious, I have to share it with the girls at work tomorrow.