Yesterday the sky was filled with white fluffy clouds,it reminded me of my youth when I could sit for hours finding objects in the various shapes. I sat briefly and watched the clouds hoping to have a picture revealed,just as I was about to give up I noticed what looked like a puppy crouching in front of an elongated mother dog,contented with my find I went back inside and resumed my day. Sadly I don't think even children give much thought or imagination to the clouds anymore,which brings me to the real subject of the day.
I had tuned in to watch the news at noon in preparation for the main attraction,"Who Wants To Be a Millionaire" which comes on directly after the news. My show was once again preempted by another disaster,but that isn't my complaint. My problem is the amount of attention the media gives the bombings,shootings and other acts of violence that seem to have become the you suppose the media ever stops to think why these things are becoming more commonplace? My theory on that is the ones amongst us that are less than mentally stable see these happenings as a way to achieve their 15 minutes of fame,and since they were never taught to use their imaginations for something as benign as finding shapes in the clouds they turn their full concentration to mayhem. I know I have expressed my feelings on this before and will likely do so again,if nothing else maybe just one person will be deterred from an act of violence and the death of innocent people. My thoughts go to those injured in Boston.

I had tuned in to watch the news at noon in preparation for the main attraction,"Who Wants To Be a Millionaire" which comes on directly after the news. My show was once again preempted by another disaster,but that isn't my complaint. My problem is the amount of attention the media gives the bombings,shootings and other acts of violence that seem to have become the you suppose the media ever stops to think why these things are becoming more commonplace? My theory on that is the ones amongst us that are less than mentally stable see these happenings as a way to achieve their 15 minutes of fame,and since they were never taught to use their imaginations for something as benign as finding shapes in the clouds they turn their full concentration to mayhem. I know I have expressed my feelings on this before and will likely do so again,if nothing else maybe just one person will be deterred from an act of violence and the death of innocent people. My thoughts go to those injured in Boston.
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