Any vowel will work in the second position of p-ck,which begs the question why Pac-Man ended up with that name rather than PeckMan,PickMan,or PockMan. Pac-Man started life in Japan as Puck-Man which evolved from the Japanese word paku,meaning "chomp" (which also can support other vowels and still be common words). Given the closeness to an explicit four letter English word,arcade owners worried that vandals would alter the letter P making puck into a word not generally acceptable in public places. Still I wonder why Pac? he doesn't pack anything,he does look something like a puck,and he does peck or even pick at his prey,but I guess it was as close to what they wanted to call him as they could get.
Other Pac-Man trivia: within 15 months of its U.S. release fans spent over 1$billion in quarters. The ghosts in the game have both Japanese and English names. In Japan they started as Fickle,Chaser,Ambusher and Stupid. Their English names were Inky,Blinky,Pinky and Clyde. In 2010 Pac-Man was named the most recognized video game in the U.S.

Other Pac-Man trivia: within 15 months of its U.S. release fans spent over 1$billion in quarters. The ghosts in the game have both Japanese and English names. In Japan they started as Fickle,Chaser,Ambusher and Stupid. Their English names were Inky,Blinky,Pinky and Clyde. In 2010 Pac-Man was named the most recognized video game in the U.S.
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