The regular readers amongst you know that I have a certain fascination for exotic animals,particularly the ones with unusual mating habits. The Japanese Sea slug is a perfect example of why I have this intense interest. The creatures are hermaphrodites,they possess both male and female organs which allow them to donate sperm and receive sperm at the same time,in itself that isn't that unusual. What sets these guys apart is 20 minutes after having sex the used penis falls off,but not to worry a brand new,never been used penis uncoils and replaces the discarded one within 24 hours. It is not known for certain why their equipment works in this fashion,but it is suggested that the penis also removes rival sperm from its partners previous matings and then disposes of the penis like a used syringe. Though other creatures also lose their penises after sex,the sea slugs are the only known ones who can re-grow their male parts.

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