Sometimes it is a tough call whether some of the people that end up in jail are either stoned or stupid. The two options are not exclusive,and often times the people in question are both stoned and stupid.
I was going to write about two brothers in Kansas who decided to celebrate their winning lottery ticket by buying a stash of marijuana. While attempting to light the bong using butane lighter fluid,they blew up the family home. One brother was hospitalized with burns the other was arrested for marijuana possession. But wait!! It gets better with a local story!
A local rocket scientist that was either stupid or lazy,or possibly both (stoned is yet another option), decided they would rob the drive-up window at the Burger King. Apparently they didn't really think the plan through,or they did think it through to the best of their ability and decided if they didn't go inside they would be afforded a faster get away. I wonder if they thought the person at the window would just hand them a wad of cash,smile and ask if they wanted fries with that? or maybe,can I Super Size that for you? Needless to say it didn't go however they had envisioned it would go and they were arrested. I can't help but wonder if in addition to a robbery charge they were also cited with theft of service? or perhaps public stupidity?

I was going to write about two brothers in Kansas who decided to celebrate their winning lottery ticket by buying a stash of marijuana. While attempting to light the bong using butane lighter fluid,they blew up the family home. One brother was hospitalized with burns the other was arrested for marijuana possession. But wait!! It gets better with a local story!
A local rocket scientist that was either stupid or lazy,or possibly both (stoned is yet another option), decided they would rob the drive-up window at the Burger King. Apparently they didn't really think the plan through,or they did think it through to the best of their ability and decided if they didn't go inside they would be afforded a faster get away. I wonder if they thought the person at the window would just hand them a wad of cash,smile and ask if they wanted fries with that? or maybe,can I Super Size that for you? Needless to say it didn't go however they had envisioned it would go and they were arrested. I can't help but wonder if in addition to a robbery charge they were also cited with theft of service? or perhaps public stupidity?
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