I've always been spontaneous...as long as I can plan it first! (bad joke due to witzelsucht) As the local weather edges itself into summertime temperatures,I find myself pondering spontaneous combustion (SHC,spontaneous human combustion,it even has its own acronym!) not that weather is a known factor in SHC,just my morbid fascination at work. Since 1995 there have been about 200 cases worldwide over around 300 years. The explanations range from natural to biblical,but SHC is mostly an unexplained phenomena. The natural explanationss include: the production of abnormally concentrated gas or raised levels of blood alcohol,smoking accidents,not consuming enough water and high levels of acetone from low carb diets. The body is completely or almost completely incinerated,leaving furniture intact. The focus of the fire is the torso,in some cases the feet will remain unburned. Time to cue the "Twilight Zone" theme song! I enjoy a good mystery,but in the interest of safety,stay cool!

Sunday, June 30, 2013
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Oregon Rainy Day Woman: Percentages
Oregon Rainy Day Woman: Percentages: This is one of those blogs where what I had in mind for today's subject fell by the wayside and I ended up with a totally different one...
This is one of those blogs where what I had in mind for today's subject fell by the wayside and I ended up with a totally different one. Apparently the BBC did a series on Brain Sex,don't get excited it isn't what it sounds like. What it boils down to is that even though most men have male brains and most women have female brains,there are about 17% of both sexes where their brain fits more with the typical brain of the opposite sex. Confused yet? Though there is no difference IQ wise between males and females,studies have found women tend to be better at empathising and men are generally better at systemising,which explains why men are generally better at things like car repair and women are more helpful in a time of crisis. There are tests you can take to determine which sex of brain you have in case you are in doubt. After all the centuries of studying the human body much of it remains a mystery.
Friday, June 28, 2013
Sick All Along
I recently heard about a brain disorder called Witzelsucht (from German, witzel meaning to joke and sucht meaning addiction or yearning,the Germans come up with some fabulous words!) ,also called the "joking disease". It is described as a tendencey to tell inappropriate or poor jokes. Maybe it is just me,but as diseases go this one doesn't sound too bad. It's a symptom of injury,trauma,stroke,tumor or degenerative disease to the right frontal lobe. If the left frontal lobe is afflicted in the same way it causes anxiety and depression. Okay,so here is my thought on this...if this is an existing disorder doesn't it make sexist jokes and other inappropriate jokes from a person suffering from Witzelsucht free from prosecution for harassment? and if that is the case couldn't anyone excuse that type of behavior by claiming to have the disorder? I never found any mention of how it is diagnosed other than the patient telling bad jokes. Another interesting symptom to this disease is hypersexuality.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Hearing Voices
Ha! You probably thought I had slipped my final cog and was at the hearing voices stage,wrong again...at least so far. Earlier this morning I was part of a group talking about how voice recognition doesn't really work,and we were all wondering exactly whose voice it was programed to recognize. Usually I don't even try to speak to a computer and use a keypad instead,but as fate would have it shortly after being part of that discussion I called to either order a new computer or see if this one could still be made to work properly and for the first time voice recognition worked for my voice! and it wasn't just a yes or no response which usually don't work for me either. So my hopes are lifted that maybe they are finally getting some where with that particular function. Unfortunatley all that didn't leave me a lot of time to work on the blog,but should get back on track tomorrow. Until then here is a little something to keep you amused!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Often times I have no clue why a thought pops into my head,nor for that matter how it leads me down other seemingly unrelated paths with various twists and turns. I think of it as a good thing,that my mind can still go from 0-60 in relatively short order. This time all I can say for sure is I was thinking of how someone I knew always used the phrase "turning in" when they were going to bed. I bet with myself that the phrase came from the days when many people slept in the same bed and either it was their turn in or when they got into an already corwded bed it was similar to folding in ingredients into a recipe,so it was referred to as turning in. The bet is still pending as I haven't found a definitive answer,only one suggesting a nautical origin and nothing more. On the same page were many other "turns of phrase" that I hadn't been looking for including: turning tricks,turn the tables,turn a blind eye,turning the tide,turning the other cheek and turn in one's grave. The next thing I found myself thinking was a phrase by Timothy Leary from the 60s,"Turn on,tune in, drop out". Anyone that remembers the 60s can tell you what that meant...providing you find anyone that remembers the 60s!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013
I may have been a little slow to notice this since it came into being in the early 90s,but living in a small town often means we don't have the same concerns as the large metropolitan areas. What I am talking about in particular is the "Code Adam" program. I noticed a small blue and white sign in two local chain stores and wondered what they meant. In short,when a child is reported missing a security protocol is initiated. A description of the child is obtained,then the employee goes to an in-store phone and pages "Code Adam" and describes the child over the intercom. As the announcement is made the store immediately begins monitoring all exits,and available staff begin looking for the child. Initially,the doors are not locked,only monitored so customers can come and go. If the child is not found within ten minutes the authorities are called. The code was named for Adam Walsh,who was abducted from a Sears store in Florida in 1981. The program was started by Wal-Mart in 1993. No matter what your feelings on the Wal-Mart chain,they do more than their share when it comes to crime prevention. You long time readers might recall they also help law enforcement agencies with their superior forensics labs around the world.

Monday, June 24, 2013
Scamming the Stupid
Today's blog falls under the category "a special kind of stupid". The first time I read about ferrets being sold as toy poodles my mind refused to process the information,so I had to go back and find the article. At a bazaar in Buenos Aires,Argentina a salesmen has been passing off ferrets on steroids as toy poodles. First of all anyone who has seen both a ferret and a toy poodle would not be easily tricked into confusing the two animals,for crying out loud,they aren't even in the same family. The face of a ferret,is for lack of a better word,very weasel-like,their bodies are LONG as are their tails,of course a poor quality poodle can have a long body,but not a ferret-like long body! Let's see what else...ferrets don't bark,and their movement is anything but dog-like. My deepest concern over this whole fiasco is that people go out to buy an animal without knowing enough about them to even tell if they are getting a dog or a ferret,and with that amazing lack of knowledge how could they possibly give either animal a decent home? The following pictures are not very good quality,but I think most of you will be able to pick the poodle puppy out of the line up.

Sunday, June 23, 2013
I don't know if my bad idea filter is plugged and in need of changing or if maybe this is actually a good idea,so here it goes. It seems to me that in most cases bundling to save money is a myth propagated by businesses intent on getting you to spend money on things you neither need nor want. They promote the idea that by having more services you will be spending less money...okay,let's just examine that thought for a moment. Other than buying in bulk,which in some cases saves a little money but in the end the money saved is wasted when an excess of product is not used and ends up being thrown away,so with that as a base to the bundling plan how are you saving any money by getting services you don't need? and why would a company charge less and give you more? This pretty much is how I feel bundling works,but what if it were applied to the medical field? Say that while they had you knocked out to perform a colonoscopy,they could also include serveral other unpleasant procedures and not only would one person tie up the ever so valuable hospital time and space for less time, it would be less of a danger to the patient that the procedures were being done to by not having to fast or be put under more than one time. Now this is a bundling that I could get behind!

Saturday, June 22, 2013
Another Bad Idea
I am the first to admit I've had my share of crazy ideas,some even bordering on the absurd,but I always recognize at some point that it really isn't a sound idea. The person/persons who thought of the "Skateboard Stroller" apparently don't have this fail-safe idea rejection option in their brains. This is a bad plan on so many levels it is hard to decide where to begin. I have no problem with jogging strollers and the people that use them seem to stay out of conjested pedestrian areas,but the skateboard stroller is "designed to help parents navigate the urban environment with greater ease"...so what about everyone else? We all surrender the sidewalk (note the word sidewalk ,not sideride) so these confused adults can try to grab a final piece of adolescence? Never even mind that skateboards,bikes and skates are prohibited on most sidewalks. And did anyone stop to consider the childrens safety if mom or dad wipes out? Sure the kids can be strapped in and wear helmets,but if that were enough to insure their safety why are they considering having safety waivers signed with every purchase?

Friday, June 21, 2013
This really has to be near the top of over the top advertising ploys. Ecko Unltd. and Marc Ecko Cut and Sew offered a lifetime 20% discount if the customer would get one of either store logos permanently tattooed on their skin. I can see both sides having regrets over this deal. From the point of view of the business 1. Where would the tattoo be? Would it be seen and noticed? 2. How would you deal with people you didn't want associated with your business? You couldn't deny the discount without discrimination issues. 3. How about checking the tattoo before awarding the discount,if the tattoo was on a butt cheek would the clerk have the customer drop their drawers at the checkout? As a customer 1. Are you ready to commit the rest of your life to advertising this product? 2. And speaking of your life,are you willing to risk your life for 20% off? Tattoos are not an entirely safe venture.
Maybe I am just a crabby old woman who doesn't appreciate tattoos but I will go ahead and pay 20% more and remain unmarked.

Maybe I am just a crabby old woman who doesn't appreciate tattoos but I will go ahead and pay 20% more and remain unmarked.
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Light My Fire
As an alternate title I considered "Burning Love" (hunk a hunk a burning love) but love doesn't really enter into the equation,at least not directly. I decided "Light My Fire" would better represent the subject at hand.
The fire facial is a spa service that has recently "caught fire" in China. I know I am not terribly vain,but even the thought of someone lighting my face on fire scares years off my life...unfortunately they were scared in the wrong direction so instead of making me more youthful it aged me a couple of years. The treatment involves placing a towel soaked in alcohol and a special elixir on the face,legs or other parts of the body,then lighting it on fire for a few seconds. It is supposed to stimulate the skin and help with dullness,sagging and wrinkles. The only thing that being lit on fire would stimulate on me would be my bladder and possibly my bowels.

The fire facial is a spa service that has recently "caught fire" in China. I know I am not terribly vain,but even the thought of someone lighting my face on fire scares years off my life...unfortunately they were scared in the wrong direction so instead of making me more youthful it aged me a couple of years. The treatment involves placing a towel soaked in alcohol and a special elixir on the face,legs or other parts of the body,then lighting it on fire for a few seconds. It is supposed to stimulate the skin and help with dullness,sagging and wrinkles. The only thing that being lit on fire would stimulate on me would be my bladder and possibly my bowels.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
I am an avid people watcher and it is seldom a boring pass time. I used to wonder before I retired what people found so interesting in watching me work,now given the opportunity,I find myself doing the same thing. It makes sense in a weird kind of way when you think about it,after all when you are watching movies you are watching people at work. The next thing is a generalization,but I have noticed that certain genres of writing seem to come from certain climates. Florida generates comedy,the colder northern areas harbor more horror and murder. The big cities however produce both of those types of authors,so it is entirely possible that I am all wet. Another mostly unrelated thought (other than being another human quirk),though not exactly the same thing,when a person has a container of cream go bad they throw it out,but that same person will purchase sour cream from the store! What can I say? people watching is cheap entertainment and never seems to get old or repeat itself. That is because we as humans are unique...just like everybody else!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013
You don't hear about people putting in 50 years on the job too often,it takes a special dedication to your work. Louise and Martine Fokkens (twin sisters) are retiring after 50 years on the job as Amsterdam prostitutes,that is 50 years each! The 70 year old twins estimate they have slept with a combined total of 355,000 men. Louise is a mother of four and is retiring because arthritis makes some positions to painful. Martine has three children and is finding it difficult to attract new customers. The twins began their careers working for a pimp,but soon opened their own brothel in the Red Light District. They are also credited with setting up one of the first informal trade unions for prostitutes. They have already published one book and have a second in the works entitled "The Ladies of Amsterdam" to help supplement their retirement.
I feel compelled to add...you've got to hand it to them!

I feel compelled to add...you've got to hand it to them!
Monday, June 17, 2013
A couple of days ago McDonald's was mentioned in my blog,at that time I was still under the impression that Ray Kroc was the founder. I could very well be the only living person that didn't question why if it was founded by Ray Kroc was it named McDonald's? The answer is quite simple,it wasn't founded by Kroc,his restaurant was the 9th in a franchise started by...you guessed it! The McDonalds,Richard (Dick) and Maurice (Mac). In 1940 they opened the first McDonald's in San Bernadino,CA. They started with a simple menu and assembly line preparation allowing them to sell hamburgers for $.15. The restaurant was a great success prompting them to franchise the concept in 1953. Once Kroc purchased the chain it became McDonald's Systems Inc. which later became McDonald's Corporation. The 3rd restaurant in Downey,CA. was not aquired in the purchase and escaped the modernization the other outlets underwent. It has been restored and remains mostly unchanged since 1953 and is listed as a Historic Place.

Sunday, June 16, 2013
Sticker Accuracy
Maybe it is just me,but it seems like whenever I see a religious bumper sticker or other indication of religion, the person is an incredibly slow driver. I am talking slow enough that you almost need to pound a stake into the ground next to them to tell if they are indeed moving. They don't seem to be necessarily bad drivers just really slow. The question that comes to my mind is if they have "Jesus on Board","God is My Copilot","Jesus Saves" and around a thousand other renditions,why is it that they need to go so slow?? Doesn't it seem like that would be the best insurance ever? I would think that any person that had a holy presence riding shotgun would feel fairly safe to go ahead and floor it...see what that puppy can do!
The only reason I can think of that this isn't the way they drive is that perhaps Karl Marx was right when he said,"religion is the opiate of the masses" and they are too stoned to drive any faster!
I hope no one takes offense at this,but hey,if you can't take a joke you probably need a new copilot!

The only reason I can think of that this isn't the way they drive is that perhaps Karl Marx was right when he said,"religion is the opiate of the masses" and they are too stoned to drive any faster!
I hope no one takes offense at this,but hey,if you can't take a joke you probably need a new copilot!
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Mickey D's vs BK
I have been noticing the litter for some time as I go for walks and although there are several fast food establishments in the area the predominant brand I see is McDonalds. You might be thinking that where I walk is near a McDonalds,which is true but within blocks are three other fast food outlets,all but one of these offer drive-thru service,so that doesn't seem to be a factor. Though I found no reason behind this I did find that McDonalds is the consistent winner in the litter lottery. In England 29% of the fast food litter was of McDonalds origin. Their suggestion was for the fast food chains to take a more active anti-litter role. The company (McDonalds) sent out teams to pick up litter three times a day,they realize that seeing litter with their brand name could have a negative affect.
In the US fast food waste is between 33%-70% of all litter depending on the area of the country. Guess who tops the litter list here as well? Yes,McDonalds. In some of the greener US cities they are requiring restaurants give out only recyclable or compostable packaging. But again...what do you suppose it is about McDonalds that seems to make patrons more prone to littering?

In the US fast food waste is between 33%-70% of all litter depending on the area of the country. Guess who tops the litter list here as well? Yes,McDonalds. In some of the greener US cities they are requiring restaurants give out only recyclable or compostable packaging. But again...what do you suppose it is about McDonalds that seems to make patrons more prone to littering?
Friday, June 14, 2013
Which Came First?
You are probably thinking it is the age old debate on the chicken or the egg...nope.
I heard "Touch Me" (by The Doors) today and wondered for the millionth time which came first the song or the Ajax jingle "Stronger than dirt". I wasn't aware of the controversy surrounding this seemingly innocent question. It is argued that Jim Morrison says stronger than dirt at the end of the song to get back at the rest of the band for selling "Light My Fire" for a car commercial behind his back. The debate raged on and on with no conclusion. Back to my original query,the commercial came first in the early 60s (the written slogan was used even earlier),the song (Touch Me) was released in the late 60s,the album in 1969 but "Touch Me" as a single six months prior to the album. If you ever want to take a stroll down memory lane looking at old TV commercials is a good way to go.

I heard "Touch Me" (by The Doors) today and wondered for the millionth time which came first the song or the Ajax jingle "Stronger than dirt". I wasn't aware of the controversy surrounding this seemingly innocent question. It is argued that Jim Morrison says stronger than dirt at the end of the song to get back at the rest of the band for selling "Light My Fire" for a car commercial behind his back. The debate raged on and on with no conclusion. Back to my original query,the commercial came first in the early 60s (the written slogan was used even earlier),the song (Touch Me) was released in the late 60s,the album in 1969 but "Touch Me" as a single six months prior to the album. If you ever want to take a stroll down memory lane looking at old TV commercials is a good way to go.
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Day Tripping
Yesterday I was on the road for several hours and when I returned home didn't have a chance to put a blog together. I really don't enjoy driving like I did at one time,but an excess of anything is bound to wear a person down. My mind tends to keep itself entertained no matter what other task I might be performing,this also holds true for driving. One of these stray thoughts was why hadn't we ever had a president with the first name of Donald? It is a fairly common name,more so than say Millard,Rutherford,or Ulysses. I am not suggesting that as a country we rush out and elect someone for the sole purpose of their name being Donald,but I don't suppose it would be any worse criteria than what has elected some presidents. Another thought was if God made man in his image,who did he use as a model for woman?
Then there is the ever fascinating traffic puzzle. Every one is happily cruising along at 70 mph and it is like as a collective mind they all think,"Oh,this is going way to smoothly. We had better all put on our brakes and slow to a stop and crawl along for a few miles,just to please the traffic gods." I am not joking about this! It happened both ways on the trip for no apparent reason,as I was creeping along with the masses I figured there was an accident or another valid reason for the hold up some where up ahead,but there was never a reason that I could see. Oh well,at least I didn't have to be anywhere at a particular time.

Then there is the ever fascinating traffic puzzle. Every one is happily cruising along at 70 mph and it is like as a collective mind they all think,"Oh,this is going way to smoothly. We had better all put on our brakes and slow to a stop and crawl along for a few miles,just to please the traffic gods." I am not joking about this! It happened both ways on the trip for no apparent reason,as I was creeping along with the masses I figured there was an accident or another valid reason for the hold up some where up ahead,but there was never a reason that I could see. Oh well,at least I didn't have to be anywhere at a particular time.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Check Your Philes
Every so often I come across a new obsession with a strange name and sometimes stranger definition. The following are some of the lesser known philes.
bufonophilia-toads (makes me think of buffons)
chiraptophilia-being touched (Howie Mandel has this phobia)
dinophilia-dizzness (my first thought was Dino Flintstone)
gamophilia-marriage (Liz Taylor had this!)
kopophilia-fatigue (why would anyone love fatigue?)
neophilia-anything new (lots of that going around)
phengophilia-daylight or sunshine (count me in!)
To change any love or obsession into a fear just change to suffix to phobia.
bufonophilia-toads (makes me think of buffons)
chiraptophilia-being touched (Howie Mandel has this phobia)
dinophilia-dizzness (my first thought was Dino Flintstone)
gamophilia-marriage (Liz Taylor had this!)
kopophilia-fatigue (why would anyone love fatigue?)
neophilia-anything new (lots of that going around)
phengophilia-daylight or sunshine (count me in!)
To change any love or obsession into a fear just change to suffix to phobia.
Monday, June 10, 2013
A Few Laughs
The following examples are called paraprosdokians,how could they not be funny with a name like that?
The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.
He taught me housekeeping; when I divorce I keep the house.
Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.
The difference between fiction and reality is that fiction has to make sense.
Silence is golden, duct tape is silver.
If you see a man running from a tiger, run faster than he does, you can't outrun the tiger and you don't have to.
I tried to drown my sorrows, but the bastards learned how to swim.
Advertising messages have to be made loud and clear for the hard of thinking.
Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.
You're never too old to learn something stupid.
She looks as though she’s been poured into her clothes, and forgot to say ‘when’.
The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.
He taught me housekeeping; when I divorce I keep the house.
Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.
The difference between fiction and reality is that fiction has to make sense.
Silence is golden, duct tape is silver.
If you see a man running from a tiger, run faster than he does, you can't outrun the tiger and you don't have to.
I tried to drown my sorrows, but the bastards learned how to swim.
Advertising messages have to be made loud and clear for the hard of thinking.
Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.
You're never too old to learn something stupid.
She looks as though she’s been poured into her clothes, and forgot to say ‘when’.
Always swim or dive with a friend. It reduces your chance of shark attack by 50%.
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Feeling No Pain
Today's blog falls under the learn something new category,at least for me. In a book I was reading one of the antagonists had a rare condition called congenital analgesia,where he felt no physical pain. I had never heard of it so I wanted to see if it was fact or fiction. The people with this disorder can feel touch and some other sensations,though not always tempature. You might be thinking it sounds pretty good so far,but few people with this condition live to adulthood. Children often bite off the tip of their tongue,fracture bones,infections go unnoticed and their eyes are often injured from foreign objects. The exact cause is thought to be a gene mutation,other cases are caused by an increased production of endorphins. There are two types of this disorder. Insensitivity to pain,meaning it is not perceived,and indifference where the pain is felt,but an appropriate response is lacking.
The moral is...be careful what you wish for!
The moral is...be careful what you wish for!
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Unreal but True
Today's blog is a tale of unbelievable incompetence. It is hard to conceive how this particular person came to be employed and (at least at this time) is still working. There are a lot of people looking for work so you would think anyone with a job would do their best to keep it.
Until about a year or so ago I didn't know much about sleep apnea. I had a few friends that had it and used a machine at night to insure they would keep breathing. The friend this is about has both types of sleep apnea: Obstructive (airflow is blocked,air cannot enter lungs) and Central (the drive to breath is reduced,the brain is not sending the signal or the signal is blocked) the combination of both types is called mixed sleep apnea. This friend is on Social Security and barely scrapes by month to month so wouldn't have money to pay for her own machine if she missed a compliance appointment (they check the machine to verify usage and how many times she quits breathing in a sleep cycle). These appointments are scheduled every 30 days and it is obviously important to keep the appointments. She knew she should have an appointment coming up so she went to check. She was told she didn't have one. She demanded to see her file and the next appointment was for 6/19. When she asked why the appointment had not been scheduled she was told "Molly is always so busy." Well excuse me! Isn't that implied by the word work? and since it was her "job" to put the appointment on the schedule,there is NO excuse. If Molly can't figure out how to schedule her own time why does she hold the balance of other people's lives in her inept hands? To say I was shocked and angry in an understatement.

Until about a year or so ago I didn't know much about sleep apnea. I had a few friends that had it and used a machine at night to insure they would keep breathing. The friend this is about has both types of sleep apnea: Obstructive (airflow is blocked,air cannot enter lungs) and Central (the drive to breath is reduced,the brain is not sending the signal or the signal is blocked) the combination of both types is called mixed sleep apnea. This friend is on Social Security and barely scrapes by month to month so wouldn't have money to pay for her own machine if she missed a compliance appointment (they check the machine to verify usage and how many times she quits breathing in a sleep cycle). These appointments are scheduled every 30 days and it is obviously important to keep the appointments. She knew she should have an appointment coming up so she went to check. She was told she didn't have one. She demanded to see her file and the next appointment was for 6/19. When she asked why the appointment had not been scheduled she was told "Molly is always so busy." Well excuse me! Isn't that implied by the word work? and since it was her "job" to put the appointment on the schedule,there is NO excuse. If Molly can't figure out how to schedule her own time why does she hold the balance of other people's lives in her inept hands? To say I was shocked and angry in an understatement.
Friday, June 7, 2013
Sure Fire Weight Loss!
Warning! if you don't have a sense of humor DO NOT READ TODAY'S BLOG! Last month I posted a blog about the colonization opportunity on Mars for those of you with endless adventure coded into your DNA. Living there will also offer a fool proof weight loss for those of you ready to put the Earth behind you. On Mars if you weighed say 200 pounds on Earth you would drop to 75.4 lbs.! but for more rapid weight loss try Pluto where you would be a svelte 13.4 lbs. (maybe that is a size 0?) The Moon is also a good bet with Mercury just 1/10 of a lb less than your weight on Mars. The planets to avoid would be Jupiter,where you would more than double your weight,and the Sun...don't even consider it in your weight loss program (you would weigh 5,414.4).
Now that the weight problem is solved should I offer an easy fix to cure aging? (other than death) Yes! you guessed it,move to another planet!

Now that the weight problem is solved should I offer an easy fix to cure aging? (other than death) Yes! you guessed it,move to another planet!
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Moron Bells
You might be thinking that I meant "More on Bells" as a follow-up title to a blog a few days ago...you would be about half right. As I was putting "Belles and Bells" together I thought I might include Pavlov's classical conditioning experiment (ringing a bell before giving the dogs their food) but decided the blog would run too long if that were included. Yesterday afternoon I heard the bell of a no name (not Good Humor) ice cream truck somewhere in the distance and it brought the Pavlov idea back with bells on! I related to the previous blog and was a little disgusted by the fact that humans are trained from a young age to respond to bells,just as Pavlov's dogs were. Hearing the ice cream truck nearly drove me over the edge...imagining children (and some adults) grabbing money,rushing off to meet the truck and yes salivating. It just goes to show humans really are animals!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013
How Tweet It Is
How many of you remember the TV personality that used the phrase"How sweet it is"? That is off the subject,but I was compelled to ask. I woke before dawn to the birds and their busy chattering,as I was convincing myself that I might as well get up I started thinking about all the bird/feather sayings. The first that came to mind was "feather your nest". The meaning of that phrase is fairly obvious and was once thought of as a good thing to do (feathering your nest,that is),but over time it has changed to mean someone selfish that only looks after themselves. The morbid side of my brain made me think of Jeffery Dahmer decorating his home with items made of human skin...but there's no accounting for the side trips my mind takes and I don't think the birds are up to anything nefarious. Then there is the phrase "feather in your cap" which denotes a level of achievement,but on the flip side of the coin the word feather can mean something trivial. So,in conclusion,the word feather can be every bit as confounding in its many English meanings as the rest of the language!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Sound Sleep?
As some of you know I am prone to vivid dreams,when I was younger I used to sleepwalk as well. I can't say for positive that I no longer sleepwalk,but I don't find grass and other debris in the bed,so I think I am over that. Neither of those two things are that unusual,but there is another called REM behavior disorder where the dreamer acts out their dreams which are often violent and if you think that it has never happened to you so you don't need to worry about it,here's more bad news! 90% of the people with this disorder are males and it usually strikes after age 50. It is possibly brought on by lesions in a part of the brain that normally inhibits motor activity during REM sleep. These are a few cases: A 77 year old minister behaved violently in his sleep,sometimes injuring his wife. A 60 year old surgeon would jump out of bed being chased by criminals,terrorist and monsters. A 62 year old war veteran dreamt of being attacked by enemy soldiers and fights back,sometimes injuring himself. A 57 year old retired school principal was punching and kicking his wife during vivid nightmares of protecting his family from people and snakes.
So when you go to bed tonight...sweet dreams!

So when you go to bed tonight...sweet dreams!
Monday, June 3, 2013
Belles and Bells
I have had this on the back burner for several days,so it isn't actually related to the whole June and weddings thing that I have had going on with the blog so far this month. It is simply about sayings using the word belle,or bell.
"Belle of the ball" is pretty obviously about the most outstanding or attractive female at the ball or party. "Ringing a bell" has a meaning that most people deal with bells as a warning or reminder many times a day for most of their lives. You would think "saved by the bell" would be similar in origin,but in recent times it refers to boxing and a boxer being saved from defeat by the bell marking the end of a round. Another possibility for this phrase comes from the practice of attaching a bell to a coffin in case the person buried later revived. I always had the idea that "with bells on" had something to do with weddings,no idea where I got that. The phrase actually goes back to horse and carriage days when the fanciest harness was used on the horse when traveling to special events. "Belling the cat" refers to a task that is difficult. It is from an Aesop fable about mice wanting to tie a bell on the household cat to warn them,but are unable to complete the task. "Hells bells" is an expression of surprise (also an AC/DC song). Other bell sayings that really don't need explanations include "you can't un-ring a bell","bells and whistles" and "sound as a bell". After all this bell talk I am feeling a bit ringy!

"Belle of the ball" is pretty obviously about the most outstanding or attractive female at the ball or party. "Ringing a bell" has a meaning that most people deal with bells as a warning or reminder many times a day for most of their lives. You would think "saved by the bell" would be similar in origin,but in recent times it refers to boxing and a boxer being saved from defeat by the bell marking the end of a round. Another possibility for this phrase comes from the practice of attaching a bell to a coffin in case the person buried later revived. I always had the idea that "with bells on" had something to do with weddings,no idea where I got that. The phrase actually goes back to horse and carriage days when the fanciest harness was used on the horse when traveling to special events. "Belling the cat" refers to a task that is difficult. It is from an Aesop fable about mice wanting to tie a bell on the household cat to warn them,but are unable to complete the task. "Hells bells" is an expression of surprise (also an AC/DC song). Other bell sayings that really don't need explanations include "you can't un-ring a bell","bells and whistles" and "sound as a bell". After all this bell talk I am feeling a bit ringy!
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Bliss or Bunk
After finishing yesterday's blog I started wondering about the reason June is the most popular month to get married in. The reason behind June's popularity for weddings comes from its name sake Juno,Roman goddess of marriage. It was said she would bring prosperity and happiness to all who wed in her month. There were also practical reasons. If married in June the first child would likely be born in Spring allowing the woman time to recover before the fall harvest (how thoughtful of her!). In Victorian times it was also the time of year most people took their annual bath (that would be a plus for both parties!). I also came across a rhyme about the days of the week for marrying:
Marry on Monday for health,
Tuesday for wealth,
Wednesday the best day of all,
Thursday for crosses,
Friday for losses,and
Saturday for no luck at all.
Which begs the question why is Saturday now the most popular day to marry?

Marry on Monday for health,
Tuesday for wealth,
Wednesday the best day of all,
Thursday for crosses,
Friday for losses,and
Saturday for no luck at all.
Which begs the question why is Saturday now the most popular day to marry?
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Halfway Month
It is hard to believe that we are already at the halfway point of the year,but that is what we are looking at,so flip that calendar page and we will get on with it!
June is National Candy Month and also Rebuild Your Life Month (rebuild your life with candy?)
6/1 National Go Barefoot Day
6/2 National Bubba Day
6/3 National Leave the Office Early Day
6/4 Audacity To Hope Day
6/5 National Moonshine Day
6/6 Drive-in Movie Day (I wish there was on in the area)
6/7 Banana Split Day
6/8 Upsy Daisy Day
6/9 Donald Duck Day
6/10 Ball Point Pen Day
6/11 Corn on the Cob Day
6/12 National Peanut Butter Cookie Day
6/13 Career Nurse Assistants Day
6/14 National Bourbon Day
6/15 World Juggling Day
6/16 Fudge Day
6/17 Ride a Motorcycle to Work Day
6/18 International Sushi Day
6/19 Garfield the Cat Day
6/20 Recess At Work Day
6/21 National Flip Flop Day
6/22 Stupid Guy Thing Day
6/23 Baby Boomer's Recognition Day (Yeah us!)
6/24 Celebration of the Senses
6/25 Global Beatles Day
6/26 National Canoe Day
6/27 National Handshake Day (get out there and press some flesh!)
6/28 Paul Bunyan Day
6/29 Waffle Iron Day
6/30 Log Cabin Day
Enjoy your month!
June is National Candy Month and also Rebuild Your Life Month (rebuild your life with candy?)
6/1 National Go Barefoot Day
6/2 National Bubba Day
6/3 National Leave the Office Early Day
6/4 Audacity To Hope Day
6/5 National Moonshine Day
6/6 Drive-in Movie Day (I wish there was on in the area)
6/7 Banana Split Day
6/8 Upsy Daisy Day
6/9 Donald Duck Day
6/10 Ball Point Pen Day
6/11 Corn on the Cob Day
6/12 National Peanut Butter Cookie Day
6/13 Career Nurse Assistants Day
6/14 National Bourbon Day
6/15 World Juggling Day
6/16 Fudge Day
6/17 Ride a Motorcycle to Work Day
6/18 International Sushi Day
6/19 Garfield the Cat Day
6/20 Recess At Work Day
6/21 National Flip Flop Day
6/22 Stupid Guy Thing Day
6/23 Baby Boomer's Recognition Day (Yeah us!)
6/24 Celebration of the Senses
6/25 Global Beatles Day
6/26 National Canoe Day
6/27 National Handshake Day (get out there and press some flesh!)
6/28 Paul Bunyan Day
6/29 Waffle Iron Day
6/30 Log Cabin Day
Enjoy your month!
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