Maybe it is just me,but it seems like whenever I see a religious bumper sticker or other indication of religion, the person is an incredibly slow driver. I am talking slow enough that you almost need to pound a stake into the ground next to them to tell if they are indeed moving. They don't seem to be necessarily bad drivers just really slow. The question that comes to my mind is if they have "Jesus on Board","God is My Copilot","Jesus Saves" and around a thousand other renditions,why is it that they need to go so slow?? Doesn't it seem like that would be the best insurance ever? I would think that any person that had a holy presence riding shotgun would feel fairly safe to go ahead and floor it...see what that puppy can do!
The only reason I can think of that this isn't the way they drive is that perhaps Karl Marx was right when he said,"religion is the opiate of the masses" and they are too stoned to drive any faster!
I hope no one takes offense at this,but hey,if you can't take a joke you probably need a new copilot!

The only reason I can think of that this isn't the way they drive is that perhaps Karl Marx was right when he said,"religion is the opiate of the masses" and they are too stoned to drive any faster!
I hope no one takes offense at this,but hey,if you can't take a joke you probably need a new copilot!
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