You might be thinking that I meant "More on Bells" as a follow-up title to a blog a few days would be about half right. As I was putting "Belles and Bells" together I thought I might include Pavlov's classical conditioning experiment (ringing a bell before giving the dogs their food) but decided the blog would run too long if that were included. Yesterday afternoon I heard the bell of a no name (not Good Humor) ice cream truck somewhere in the distance and it brought the Pavlov idea back with bells on! I related to the previous blog and was a little disgusted by the fact that humans are trained from a young age to respond to bells,just as Pavlov's dogs were. Hearing the ice cream truck nearly drove me over the edge...imagining children (and some adults) grabbing money,rushing off to meet the truck and yes salivating. It just goes to show humans really are animals!

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