I've always been spontaneous...as long as I can plan it first! (bad joke due to witzelsucht) As the local weather edges itself into summertime temperatures,I find myself pondering spontaneous combustion (SHC,spontaneous human combustion,it even has its own acronym!) not that weather is a known factor in SHC,just my morbid fascination at work. Since 1995 there have been about 200 cases worldwide over around 300 years. The explanations range from natural to biblical,but SHC is mostly an unexplained phenomena. The natural explanationss include: the production of abnormally concentrated gas or raised levels of blood alcohol,smoking accidents,not consuming enough water and high levels of acetone from low carb diets. The body is completely or almost completely incinerated,leaving furniture intact. The focus of the fire is the torso,in some cases the feet will remain unburned. Time to cue the "Twilight Zone" theme song! I enjoy a good mystery,but in the interest of safety,stay cool!

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