Today's blog is a tale of unbelievable incompetence. It is hard to conceive how this particular person came to be employed and (at least at this time) is still working. There are a lot of people looking for work so you would think anyone with a job would do their best to keep it.
Until about a year or so ago I didn't know much about sleep apnea. I had a few friends that had it and used a machine at night to insure they would keep breathing. The friend this is about has both types of sleep apnea: Obstructive (airflow is blocked,air cannot enter lungs) and Central (the drive to breath is reduced,the brain is not sending the signal or the signal is blocked) the combination of both types is called mixed sleep apnea. This friend is on Social Security and barely scrapes by month to month so wouldn't have money to pay for her own machine if she missed a compliance appointment (they check the machine to verify usage and how many times she quits breathing in a sleep cycle). These appointments are scheduled every 30 days and it is obviously important to keep the appointments. She knew she should have an appointment coming up so she went to check. She was told she didn't have one. She demanded to see her file and the next appointment was for 6/19. When she asked why the appointment had not been scheduled she was told "Molly is always so busy." Well excuse me! Isn't that implied by the word work? and since it was her "job" to put the appointment on the schedule,there is NO excuse. If Molly can't figure out how to schedule her own time why does she hold the balance of other people's lives in her inept hands? To say I was shocked and angry in an understatement.

Until about a year or so ago I didn't know much about sleep apnea. I had a few friends that had it and used a machine at night to insure they would keep breathing. The friend this is about has both types of sleep apnea: Obstructive (airflow is blocked,air cannot enter lungs) and Central (the drive to breath is reduced,the brain is not sending the signal or the signal is blocked) the combination of both types is called mixed sleep apnea. This friend is on Social Security and barely scrapes by month to month so wouldn't have money to pay for her own machine if she missed a compliance appointment (they check the machine to verify usage and how many times she quits breathing in a sleep cycle). These appointments are scheduled every 30 days and it is obviously important to keep the appointments. She knew she should have an appointment coming up so she went to check. She was told she didn't have one. She demanded to see her file and the next appointment was for 6/19. When she asked why the appointment had not been scheduled she was told "Molly is always so busy." Well excuse me! Isn't that implied by the word work? and since it was her "job" to put the appointment on the schedule,there is NO excuse. If Molly can't figure out how to schedule her own time why does she hold the balance of other people's lives in her inept hands? To say I was shocked and angry in an understatement.
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