I don't know if my bad idea filter is plugged and in need of changing or if maybe this is actually a good idea,so here it goes. It seems to me that in most cases bundling to save money is a myth propagated by businesses intent on getting you to spend money on things you neither need nor want. They promote the idea that by having more services you will be spending less money...okay,let's just examine that thought for a moment. Other than buying in bulk,which in some cases saves a little money but in the end the money saved is wasted when an excess of product is not used and ends up being thrown away,so with that as a base to the bundling plan how are you saving any money by getting services you don't need? and why would a company charge less and give you more? This pretty much is how I feel bundling works,but what if it were applied to the medical field? Say that while they had you knocked out to perform a colonoscopy,they could also include serveral other unpleasant procedures and not only would one person tie up the ever so valuable hospital time and space for less time, it would be less of a danger to the patient that the procedures were being done to by not having to fast or be put under more than one time. Now this is a bundling that I could get behind!

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