Have you ever wondered which city had the fastest walkers? I know I had never given it a thought until I read that the honor went to Singapore. Even after reading that I didn't so much care what city had the fastest walkers but instead how could that fact be determined? The way it was done seems to leave room for argument but so far no one has challenged the results. Teams with stopwatches timed how long it took 35 men and women to walk a 60 foot stretch of pavement,they only timed those people who were not carrying parcels or talking on cell phones. The winner was Singapore with the average time of 10:55 seconds,second place went to Copenhagen at 10:82, the rest of the top ten places were all European cities other than #4 in China and #6 in Brazil and New York City came in at #8. With the exception of New York City the rest of the cities had increased their pace by 10% from a similar study done in the 1990s. Who knew? now when I go for a walk I will be paranoid that someone is timing me with a stopwatch!

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