I recently decided to give our local paper a second chance and subscribed for a trial period. I have a problem with them printing stories one day and correcting them the next day,and trust me this isn't news that needs to be rushed into print to justify the errors. Back to the subject of today's post...the paper ran a short blurb about a couple who had recently? (didn't say when they had been to Maui) and on their return flight they participated in program called Wings of Aloha which with the generosity of donors and Alaska Airlines allows people returning to Portland,OR to escort animals from the Maui Humane Society at no cost to them (other than filling out some paperwork at the airport in Maui and a few minutes of their time). The humane society in Maui takes in around 9,000 animals a year and there is not enough homes in the islands to adopt them all so they get a second chance to come to the mainland (Oregon,Washington,Colorado and Canada) and find homes here. I intend to escort one or two on my return flight from Maui. I haven't called the number yet to get all the details (808-877-3680 ext. 17) but will be calling when the time for my trip gets nearer. Back to the mistakes the paper made,they printed an incorrect web site address and a wrong ext. for the phone number,but with any luck interested parties will be able to ferret out the correct information on their own. Mahalo for your time and hopefully interest!

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