This situation would be laughable if the offending people would admit their wrongdoing in the matter. It is back to the dog feces wars...this time there are two wars raging one on each US coast. In Jacksonville,FL a neighborhood is up in arms because a woman has put mothballs on her lawn and driveway to keep the dogs from relieving themselves there. The neighbors want her to clean up the mothballs because they fear possible health hazards and the smell,,,but wait isn't that the same thing the woman with the mothballs fears? The only difference is she is trying to keep people from trespassing on her property and it seems to me she is within her rights to use whatever she wants on her own lawn,if the neighbors don't like it they can stay away. In Seattle,WA the property owner in question used mass quantities of cayenne pepper to keep the dogs off their lawn and the people complained that it had burned their animals paws...well excuse me but isn't that admitting that the dog was indeed on the lawn the property owner was trying to keep them off of? I am an animal lover but for some reason more and more people are finding it convenient to allow their dogs to do their business in improper places and then turn their backs and walk away from the mess,if they would at least do the right thing and pick up after the animal these people would not be employing these harsh measures.

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