So many people were coming to district court in York County, Pennsylvania dressed in pajamas and other inappropriate attire that the judge posted a sign stating "PAJAMAS ARE NOT APPROPRIATE ATTIRE FOR DISTRICT COURT' along with a companion item reading "Money from undergarments will not be accepted in this office". Apparently this is not an isolated incident as an Alabama Municipal Court has a dress code that requires men to tuck in their shirts,wear their pants "around the waist" and shorts should be "of reasonable length." For the ladies clothing revealing a bare midsection is prohibited. In addition to any posted dress codes the following should also be avoided: Flip-flops,hats,exercise gear,exposed undergarments and short skirts or low cut tops. I would think common sense would dictate showing up neat and clean but there seems to be less indication of any sense at all as the years go by. On the lighter side a guy showed up in the same PA court room on a DUI charge wearing a Budweiser T-shirt!

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