When I was growing up we lived on a farm and grew most of our foods so cereal,especially cold cereal was a rare treat. The only one I remember having was Cheerios but that was a long time ago and not a major thing to store in my memory banks. With that in mind it is no surprise that I didn't know that there was a fourth Rice Krispies elf. Rice Krispies were first introduced in 1928 and the elves,Snap (the oldest brother),Crackle,(middle brother) and Pop began their career as mascots in the 1930's. The fourth elf was Pow,his name stood for the power you would get from eating Rice Krispies and for some reason he was from outer space and never spoke lines,he only pointed. Pow was only featured in two commercials in the 1950s and that was the end of his career as a non-spokeself,the rest of the gang is the first and longest running of Kellogg's cartoon mascots,although they have underwent considerable changes over the years.

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