I have been doing a slow burn as the story unfolds on the latest air disaster. They say they didn't have access to the co-pilots medical records so they had no idea he was suicidal,on medication and all the rest of the list. Stop me if I'm wrong but shouldn't the prospective pilots and crew have to sign a waiver giving the employer the right to that kind of information?? They would have the right to refuse,but I would hope if they exercised that right they would not be hired to pilot a commercial airline. The flip side of the whole problem is every bit as insane...I'm talking airport security. They either don't have any judgement or are forbidden to use any. One such case happened in Seattle where a five year old boy was detained because his name was the same as an alias on the no fly list,but wait it gets worse! When the child's mother tried to comfort the frightened kid she was warned not to touch him as he was a national security risk,and then they had to frisk the mother to make sure the five year old hadn't passed her anything. Really?

Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Monday, March 30, 2015
Pet Chat
A 14 year old girl from Spokane,WA was worried about her dog when the family was out. The dog is a Golden Retriever,a breed known to suffer separation anxiety. Their anxiety can manifest in many ways,the most common one being destructive behavior. This young girl thought what if she could have a video chat with her dog and give her treats remotely? Would that ease the dog's anxiety and solve the problem? She got busy and built a prototype and presented it at a recent GeekWire Summit garnering enough interest to have software and design pros help her come up with the finished product. She can now talk to her dog through her ICPooch and give the animal treats for being a good dog while the family is out. The product is available online for $129 and in some retail locations.

Sunday, March 29, 2015
A Quick Look
Today I want to take a quick look back at songs about aging and how old the people associated with the songs are now so we can get a feel for how accurately the songs have turned out for them. "My Generation" was sung by 21 year old Roger Daltrey who at the time "hoped he died before he got old"...he is now 64,I wonder if he still feels the same? Speaking of 64 Paul McCartney sang "When I'm 64" with the Beatles,he is now 72 and though he has 5 children and 8 grandchildren,none of them were named Vera,Chuck or Dave. "Changes" by David Bowie was his self imposed retirement song,he is now 68. Neil Young sang "Old Man",he is now 69 but looks older. Bruce Springsteen who looks like the pup of the bunch, is 65 and his song about aging is one of my favorites,"Glory Days". Bob Seger sang "Against the Wind",he is 69. Pete Seeger who wrote "Turn,Turn,Turn sang by the Byrds died this January at age 94.
The photos below are of Paul McCartney and his oldest grandson,a remarkable resemblance.

The photos below are of Paul McCartney and his oldest grandson,a remarkable resemblance.
Saturday, March 28, 2015
Memory Glitch
It is fairly common for people over 50 (though often times younger) to have short term memory lapses. That seems to be about the time people start walking into rooms only to wonder what they were going to do once they got there. My favorite is putting my reading glasses on top of my head knowing I will be needing them shortly,then when I need them the hunt is on...the worst example of this was giving up the search to ask a friend if I could borrow her glasses all without either of us realizing my glasses were still on top of my head. In addition to those common types of memory glitches I have a continuing problem with things turning up with absolutely no clue where they came from or who they might belong to...and no I am not a closet kleptomaniac! The latest mystery items are rain gear that showed up on my back porch. At first I assumed someone who had done work for me had left the gear,but I have checked with everyone that has been here in the last year and no one is missing this rather expensive stuff. The brand is made only in France (Guy Cotten) and from the search I have conducted online we are talking quality stuff. I am on a short dead end street which makes it unlikely that someone shed them as they were passing through. Any ideas??

Friday, March 27, 2015
In Honor Of??
I found a few of what I consider the quirkier of Quirky Country Song Titles to share today since it is Quirky Country Music Song Titles Day...of course for all I know about country music they could be standard fare!
"Drop Kick Me, Jesus,Through The Goalposts Of Life"
"Her Teeth Were Stained,But Her Heart Was Pure"
"I Don't Know Whether To Kill Myself Or Go Bowling"
"I Flushed You From The Toilets Of My Heart"
"I Wouldn't Take Her To A Dawg Fight,Cause I'm Afraid She'd Win"
"If My Nose Were Full Of Nickels,I'd Blow It All On You" (YUCK)
"If You Don't Leave Me Alone,I'll Go Find Someone Else Who Will"
"Mama Get The Hammer (There's A Fly On Papa's Head)"
"They May Put Me In Prison,But They Can't Stop My Face From Breakin' Out"
Even hard core country music fans have to admit these are humorous song titles!

"Drop Kick Me, Jesus,Through The Goalposts Of Life"
"Her Teeth Were Stained,But Her Heart Was Pure"
"I Don't Know Whether To Kill Myself Or Go Bowling"
"I Flushed You From The Toilets Of My Heart"
"I Wouldn't Take Her To A Dawg Fight,Cause I'm Afraid She'd Win"
"If My Nose Were Full Of Nickels,I'd Blow It All On You" (YUCK)
"If You Don't Leave Me Alone,I'll Go Find Someone Else Who Will"
"Mama Get The Hammer (There's A Fly On Papa's Head)"
"They May Put Me In Prison,But They Can't Stop My Face From Breakin' Out"
Even hard core country music fans have to admit these are humorous song titles!
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Original or Copy?
Today's post is one of the ones that I don't recall when or where I heard/read about the subject but finally got around to looking into it. Before "Moby Dick" was authored by Melville there was an earlier book by the title of "Mocha Dick" written by Jeremiah Reynolds with the same basic storyline...huge albino whale hunted by whalers and manages to take a toll before they finally get the better of him. The name Mocha Dick is explained by the fact that the whale was usually encountered around Mocha Island off the coast of Chile,the reason for the name Moby is not known. Mocha was a gentle giant, that is until they started jabbing him with harpoons then he would get a bit ill tempered and strike back,but who could blame him?? My question is even though "Moby Dick" was a commercial failure in Melville's time, does it deserve a place in greatest books of all time when the idea was less than original? For those of you wondering Melville was not only aware of "Mocha Dick" he said it was his inspiration.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Marketing Strategy
I may be the only one that gets a grin out of this,but I hope there will be a couple of other people that find amusement in some to the food cart snack names from the Philippines. Before I get started with that I am compelled to admit my ignorance of the fact that in many countries chicken feet are consumed in a variety of ways and are apparently considered tasty. When we butchered chickens the chicken feet went to the dogs,I don't think they actually ate them,they were more like a chew bone.
Chicken feet are sold under the name Adidas,betamax is the marketing name for congealed pork or chicken blood,walkman for barbeque pig ears,IUDs are barbecued,skewered chicken intestines,and helmets (often served along with Adidas) are grilled chicken heads. I'm not saying I wouldn't give any of these things a try,but I can't imagine any of them becoming lifelong favorites.

Chicken feet are sold under the name Adidas,betamax is the marketing name for congealed pork or chicken blood,walkman for barbeque pig ears,IUDs are barbecued,skewered chicken intestines,and helmets (often served along with Adidas) are grilled chicken heads. I'm not saying I wouldn't give any of these things a try,but I can't imagine any of them becoming lifelong favorites.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Got Nothing!
I had read a couple of days ago in Harper's Index that 10 planes had vanished since the year 2000,so with the crash today in the Alps I was going to find out more about the missing planes. I found zero references to their stated fact except the one I had already seen which offered no further information. I know it may sound harsh but at least the crash today has been located and maybe they will be able to figure out what went wrong and prevent it from happening in the future,still I doubt there is much of a chance for any survivors.
I just read an update on today's crash,no survivors but the black box (which is actually orange) has been found.

I just read an update on today's crash,no survivors but the black box (which is actually orange) has been found.
Monday, March 23, 2015
Doing Time
Though the practice of hiring a body double to serve time for a crime committed by a wealthy person isn't new in China, I was surprised to hear it is still happening. The police are aware of the situation,which they say is neither common nor rare. Apparently there is no set rate for this job as it is negotiated between the two people and I'm guessing depends on the crime. There is even a Chinese name for the practice,ding zui,meaning "substitute criminal". In the past substitutes were even hired for executions,especially if their families were starving because then they could die knowing their children would be fed. It is considered effective punishment for the real criminals as they are forced to pay market value for their crimes. Note the photos below are of different people,the criminals and the substitutes.

Sunday, March 22, 2015
The Doctor Is In
An unexpected credit was given to a doctor two days ago in Fort Worth,TX when a 104 year old woman was celebrating her birthday. When questioned about what had enabled her to live that long,still be healthy and living on her own,she credited Dr. Pepper. She started drinking the soft drink 40 years ago and averages three per day. On visits to doctors they have warned her that her drink of choice would kill her,but since the doctors have died and she remains alive she feels there's a mistake somewhere. She says she doesn't know any secrets to a long life other than "you just keep living." Seems like perfectly sound advice to me!

Saturday, March 21, 2015
If It Looks Like a Penguin...
If you sometimes feel like you don't quite fit in and people think you are an odd duck,consider this story before doing anything drastic. A 79 year old pensioner in Brussels has come to be known as Mr. Penguin. His story started in 1968 when his hip was injured in a car accident leaving him with a limp. His friends joked that he waddled like a penguin and gave him the nickname Mr. Penguin. It was all downhill from there,he became obsessed with penguins,collecting over 3,500 penguin related items plus he began dressing and talking like a penguin. His wife threw him out when he announced his intention to have his name legally changed to Mr. Penguin...but wait,there's more! He hopes to be reincarnated as a penguin either in Antarctica or a zoo and has arranged to be buried in Antarctica dressed in his penguin attire,in a penguin shaped coffin with a gravestone in the shape of two penguins. See,you're not nearly as strange as you previously thought!

Friday, March 20, 2015
It is currently the rage in Hong Kong to get married at McDonald's. Prices start at around $324 and go to $1,125 for their different packages. The lowest package price includes venue hire,decorations,audio equipment,food,gifts and invitations. The service started with a choice of three venues in 2011 and has grown to 15 locations as demand increased. They also offer bridal showers,engagement parties and anniversaries. The couples often explain that their history as a couple is intertwined with McDonald's and feel it is fitting to come full circle by saying their vows where it all started. So far Hong Kong is the only place McDonald's is offering this service,but I wouldn't be surprised to see it expand to other areas.

Notice balloon rings which are included with the deluxe meal deal...or rather the more expensive package! |
Thursday, March 19, 2015
Dress For Success
Camel racing is big in the Middle East so it only follows that the camels should be treated like athletes. Until recently the camels wore blankets before and after their performances,but now they don tailor made compression suits. Made of a soft,thick material the animal's body is covered except for the head and neck. The suit improves circulation by slightly constricting blood vessels and increasing blood and oxygen supply to the muscles,thus reducing lactic acid buildup. The suits also help avoid weight loss and stress when the camels are being transported. Plus they look pretty cute in them!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Coming Attractions?
I suppose it was only a matter of time before someone decided to capitalize on the gaming craze and build a theme park. The first out of the barrel with the popular Angry Birds Land was Sarkanniemi,Finland where they feature fun family rides,an adventure course with tunnels,staircases,slides and secret passages,gaming and food. Since they opened their gates two Angry Birds theme parks have opened in the UK at Thorpe Park and Lightwater Valley Park. One of the attractions at Thorpe Park is a 4D movie where you experience being catapulted and some of the other ways the Birds take on the pigs. I am not a huge Angry Birds fan,but the theme parks sound like fun!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Breathing Room
I don't know how I missed this wonderful invention,the Knee Defender is a device that prevents the person if front of you (on a airline flight) from reclining their seat. It came on the market in 2003 and sells for around $22. I have never understood why the seats are made to recline when they don't provide much more room for the person sitting in the seat,but for the person behind the reclined seat their breathing space and legroom are GONE. Basically the current seating design is flawed,if they are going to offer seats that recline,the seat should slide forward before it can be reclined,otherwise they are offering the same space to two different people.

Monday, March 16, 2015
Then and Now
Does anyone out there remember the movie "Reefer Madness"? It was shown in schools in the late 1950s-early 1960s. The movie was a propaganda film made in 1936 financed by a church group to teach the dangers of cannabis. Today it still has an audience as a cult film and has also been played as a musical. What a difference between that era and present day in regard to marijuana usage. The movie depicted instant addiction and insanity (my take) plus leading to hard drugs all in the space of about an hour. I guess it didn't impress my generation much as many became marijuana users,not to mention it has now become legal in several states. Amazing how time changes things.

Sunday, March 15, 2015
Wings of Freedom
I have posted this information before but thought with summer travel plans in the making it would be a good time for a reminder. I already put my name and information in and I hope others will follow suit and help save some of these animals.
Thanks for contacting us about our Wings of Aloha program!
We’d love to see if we can get some dogs to hitch a ride to Portland with you.
The first step is to see if there is room on your flight for any pets. If you
can please send me your flight confirmation number, I can check and get any
available spots reserved. If there is room on the flight, next we’d confirm with
our transfer partners if any of them have the ability to accept any pets on that
date. Assuming they can, we’re all set. On the day of your flight, we’ll meet
you at the Alaska Airlines ticket counter two hours before your flight to get
the dogs checked in with you. We’ll bring the dogs in their kennels and all
travel paperwork. Once we’re done checking in, you go on about your flight as
usual. When you land in Portland, there is nothing you’ll need to do. Our
transfer partner will be waiting at baggage claim to pick up the dogs.
Attached is a flyer about the program. Feel free to share
it with others you know who may be interested in helping.
Thanks again! I’ll wait to hear back…
Saturday, March 14, 2015
Quivering Quayle Batman!
With veggie planting time drawing near I found something of interest for those of you with limited space,or those wanting to try something different. The plant in question is the Tom Tato,aka Ketchup and Fries plant. Don't get your panties in a wad,it isn't a product of genetic engineering. The top of a cherry tomato plant is grafted to the bottom of a white potato plant. The concept is far from new,but in the past the results weren't anything to write home about,but now they are producing tomatoes that taste like tomatoes and are ready for the gardening market. Since it is a grafted plant it has to be purchased as a grown plant (rather than grown from seed). One of these plants can produce around 500 tomatoes and about 5 lb of potatoes. Can't wait to for Quayle to be cut loose with spelling this one!

Friday, March 13, 2015
Got Worms?
The long time readers among you may have noticed that my interests are vast and varied,but today's post is more about the gross factor than any interest on my part. I am talking about the Meguro (Tokyo,Japan) Parasitological Museum,yes a museum of parasites that live in the human body. The museum was established in 1953 by a doctor who was concerned about the increase in parasites due to unsanitary postwar conditions. The centerpiece of the museum is a tapeworm over 26 feet long found in the body of a 40 year old man. If you plan on visiting don't expect to see the worm laid out end to end as the space housing the museum isn't large enough. No way is this one on my bucket list!

Thursday, March 12, 2015
Auto Flashback
When the Japanese automakers entered the US market in the 1960s-1970s they were collectively referred to as rice burners. Remember,in that same time period there were no politically correct police to make sure phrases were inoffensive. Though they weren't exactly an overnight success their quality became apparent over the years and they are now major players in the auto industry,but I digress...The original name for Toyota was toyoda,meaning "fertile rice paddies",I found that tidbit amusing considering their early nickname. As long as I'm on a Toyota binge...I thought their logo was simply a stylized T,but it is more than that. The three ovals of the T symbolize the heart of the customer and company (the inner ovals) overlapping to represent trust and forming the letter T. The outer oval signifies the world embracing Toyota. If you have a weird enough imagination it also looks like a happy face on steroids!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Woolie Bully
After the accident at this year's running of the bulls in Pamplona,Spain I thought I would offer an alternative to that dangerous undertaking. The running of the sheep takes place yearly in Reed Point,Montana on the Sunday before Labor Day. Between 300-400 sheep borrowed from the local ranchers race through the middle of town. The event draws around 8,000 people from all over the world to the town with a population of less than 200. At least if the sheep run amok a person would only being dealing with around 99-350 lbs compared to getting trampled/gored by a bull weighing from 1,600-2,200 lbs,seems like a no brainer to me...of course I have had several people tell me over the years that they could imagine me running with the bulls,the only thing I can say to that is I must act way more crazy than I really am!

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