I told myself I wouldn't whine about the time change this year,and I am not whining I am taking action!! If time could be saved you could put it in a bottle or anywhere else you might like to store it,but other than saving time in small increments by doing things more efficiently it can't be saved,only rearranged. Seriously does it make sense to go through all the rigamarole just to have the daylight at a different time? I have joined forces with others by writing to my state legislator and will now provide you with a link so if you are so inclined you can also let them know. There is a bill (SB99) covering this topic,the letters don't need to be anything fancy just let your legislator know how you feel,one way or another.
Write to your legislators and ask them to support SB99 to#enddaylightsavingstime .
You can find your legislator here :https://www.oregonlegislature.gov/FindYo…/leg-districts.html this also works for other states as well as Oregon.

Write to your legislators and ask them to support SB99 to#enddaylightsavingstime .
You can find your legislator here :https://www.oregonlegislature.gov/FindYo…/leg-districts.html this also works for other states as well as Oregon.

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