After the accident at this year's running of the bulls in Pamplona,Spain I thought I would offer an alternative to that dangerous undertaking. The running of the sheep takes place yearly in Reed Point,Montana on the Sunday before Labor Day. Between 300-400 sheep borrowed from the local ranchers race through the middle of town. The event draws around 8,000 people from all over the world to the town with a population of less than 200. At least if the sheep run amok a person would only being dealing with around 99-350 lbs compared to getting trampled/gored by a bull weighing from 1,600-2,200 lbs,seems like a no brainer to me...of course I have had several people tell me over the years that they could imagine me running with the bulls,the only thing I can say to that is I must act way more crazy than I really am!

I've actualy been to Reed Point Mt. and spent an afternoon in the only Tavern in umm, town