If you sometimes feel like you don't quite fit in and people think you are an odd duck,consider this story before doing anything drastic. A 79 year old pensioner in Brussels has come to be known as Mr. Penguin. His story started in 1968 when his hip was injured in a car accident leaving him with a limp. His friends joked that he waddled like a penguin and gave him the nickname Mr. Penguin. It was all downhill from there,he became obsessed with penguins,collecting over 3,500 penguin related items plus he began dressing and talking like a penguin. His wife threw him out when he announced his intention to have his name legally changed to Mr. Penguin...but wait,there's more! He hopes to be reincarnated as a penguin either in Antarctica or a zoo and has arranged to be buried in Antarctica dressed in his penguin attire,in a penguin shaped coffin with a gravestone in the shape of two penguins. See,you're not nearly as strange as you previously thought!

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