I have been a fan of Dave Barry for many decades but until recently I assumed he was exaggerating at least some of the crazy things that happen in Florida. Today's post is just one example out of many,in fact when I did the search for the details there were about 6 other recent escapades involving drive-thru drunkenness in Florida. The particular one I am targeting is a 23 year old woman who drove her car through a Taco Bell,coming to a stop by the soda machine. She told the police she had only had two beers,however her blood alcohol level was .223,more than double the limit...Maybe they were giant sized beers? Since today's subject is alcohol it would be a good time to pass on a humorous idea I read about drunk driving. The man stated it was intrusive to prohibit driving under the influence because the issue wasn't about being drunk,but about being dangerous. So his idea was to administer the driving test under progressively higher blood alcohol levels,then issue a license at the highest level of inebriation at which the driver could still pass the test. I know some of you won't find that the least bit funny,but not everyone has my warped sense of humor so try not to get too worked up over it!

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