Today's post is one of the accidental variety,but has made for hours of reading the pros and cons. A year or maybe longer back I did a post on "Have a Drink With a Friend" about a non alcoholic beer for dogs,a couple of days ago I stumbled across wine for cats and being a cat owner started reading. First I couldn't imagine what would induce a cat to drink anything remotely like wine,but one of the ingredients in the non alcoholic wine is catnip,plus as it turns out some cats like grapes. The bad news is grapes are a dietary no-no for cats, the reason is unknown but grapes can cause kidney failure which begins with vomiting and hyperactivity. Some cats seem to be able to tolerate grapes but why take a chance when it comes to your pets health? The cat wine was developed in Japan so isn't yet available in the states but when and if it is beware of your cat imbibing! One more thing that occurs to me...I don't know about the rest of the cats out there,but my cats would make a mess if confronted with a bowl of wine and assuming that Cat Wine has the same staining properties as regular wine that would put the mess under the permanent heading,not a pretty picture all the way around!

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