Most people have at some point in their work career had a bad boss,I had one that would qualify as bad by anyone's definition,but once again I digress. George Pullman is near the top of the list of all time bad bosses. He would come under the heading of control freak type,or maybe wannabe (bad) father figure. On the surface what he did looked like a pretty good deal,he built a town for his employees to live in,but there were catches and downfalls so bad the town could be more aptly called a prison. Since he owned it all he could charge whatever he wanted for rent and utilities,but it didn't end there. The "townsfolk" weren't allowed free press,public meetings or bars...but wait there's more! They weren't paid in regular money they were paid in Pullman Script which was only good in his town so they couldn't just up and leave when they'd had enough. They were also subject to cleanliness inspections without notice and could be evicted if they were not up to his high standards. So if you think you have it bad or have in the past remember George Pullman!
Your trivia for the day...the color of UPS vans official name is Pullman Brown,named for the color Pullman used on his coaches.

Your trivia for the day...the color of UPS vans official name is Pullman Brown,named for the color Pullman used on his coaches.
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