Not to worry today's post isn't another rant about our shoddy local mail service however their method of delivering mail on my street is pretty much the same deal as the area this post is about...just put it all in a barrel and let the people figure it out. The remote Galapagos island of Floreana (cool name!) hasn't made any improvements to the mail service in over 100 years,but as the saying goes "if it ain't broke,don't fix it". Twice a day(7 days a week) boatloads of travelers arrive in Post Office Bay where they sort through a barrel of postcards and letters looking for addresses within delivery distance from their homes. As haphazard as the system sounds at times it is faster than the regular mail. It is a good thing that the mail doesn't contain as many important pieces as it once did thanks to technology because unlike booze,the post office doesn't get better with age.

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