Of all the movies I've seen "Groundhog Day" would be one of the concepts that I would never expect to happen in real life. Amnesia is real enough but not the way it was depicted in "Groundhog Day"... unless you just happen to go to the dentist for a root canal and have an extreme reaction to the anesthetic. The man (identified only as WO) has a 90 minute memory and the only way he makes it through the day is with an electronic diary that his wife has him write down his daily tasks in and refers him to each morning when he wakes up wondering where he is. The only event that he has any memory of since the dental procedure in 2005 is his father's death. Can you imagine waking up thinking you have a dentist appointment everyday? For anyone with odontophobia reading about this I am thinking you will forget any thoughts of ever making a dental appointment again,but it won't be because of amnesia.

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