Today's post isn't another rant about phony smiles routinely sported by people in photographs,you know the ones, the smiles that look more like grimaces? Instead today the cheese I am talking about is Camembert cheese that was left out on the table in the Salvador Dali home after the guests had departed and Dali decided to nap at the table to relieve his headache. When he woke a short time later and looked at the clock he was surprised that so little time had passed,he then noticed that the cheese had melted. His conclusion was that time was melting the same way the cheese was and he went to work on his most famous piece. Another point of interest about the painting "Persistence of Memory" is its small size,9 1/2 "X 13" making it even smaller than the Mona Lisa (2'6"X 1'9") so as often is the case, size really doesn't matter.

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