Today's topic is something I have often thought about,the signs security companies put in people's yards or windows advertising not only their company but also the fact that people have a security system...maybe. The signs alone can also be bought without having a system,and through the wonder of Google a person (read crook) can find out if the person with a sign on their property has a system and what kind. Now I want everyone to put on your thief hats and ask yourself if you were going to break into a house wouldn't you go for one that was advertising they had valuable stuff? I know it would be more of a challenge,but if I were a thief I would want to be the best at what I did so a little thing like a security system wouldn't stand in my way. Also if a person has a security system wouldn't they want the robber to have the element of surprise? Maybe it's just me,but the whole sign thing seems more like an ego thing than a deterrent.

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