This is something I have been struggling with for a few years,what to do with my arms when I'm sleeping,or rather trying to sleep. It seems like whatever place I put them isn't comfortable or feels like they will go numb before I have a chance to get back to sleep. I sleep on my side and my arms want to naturally fold across my chest kind of like a Cleopatra type pose but that ceases to work about half way through the night. I made myself remember to look up what to do with my arms for optimum sleep positioning this morning but didn't find a single thing of use. Next I thought if I searched for pictures of arms when sleeping that would work,but NO! All the pictures that came up were of couples sleeping,but it did remind me I wanted to try using an extra pillow to lay my top arm on so it wasn't all bad. If anyone has suggestions I would be happy to hear them,otherwise end of rant for today!

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