I love stories like today's post when the bad guys are thwarted. The 76 year old grandma in a motorized wheelchair was not the easy pickings the purse snatcher had thought. She had contracted polio as a child so had learned a lot of upper body strength,was national arm wrestling champion,national disabled rifle shooter and even ran a sports club for the disabled,so when the would be thief jumped on the back of her wheelchair and reached for her purse (which was between her feet) the grandma punched her in the face before she manage to grab the purse and run. Not one to give up easily she shouted to two nearby men who pursued the woman until she dropped the purse,they then called the police to make sure the elderly woman was okay. She said she was not going to stop living and become a victim...I say good for her! My thought is that the trend of not fighting the bad guys has made life easier for them and more victims out of the rest of the population. It may not be worth your life to fight with criminals but your life might not be worth much once you become a victim. Does that make sense?

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