Before I get started I want to make it clear that I don't wear dentures so I may be missing something meaningful about the denture commercial in question. The commercial I'm referring to is the one with the construction worker who loses his dentures at the bottom of a concrete pour. The first problem I have with that commercial is the how of the dentures coming out of his mouth. From my limited knowledge of dentures you either remove them with your hand or from a story a friend related by blowing (she nearly lost her denture blowing dirt off a plant from an eighth story window). The second thing in question is that he needs replacement dentures in a hurry because he is going to compete in a hot dog eating contest (which he wins). From the little I have seen of hot dog eating contests there is little or no chewing going on so other than for cosmetic reasons why was it an emergency for him to have his dentures replaced? All unimportant stuff but that is my point why do companies pay for commercials that are poor representations of real life situations,especially if they aren't doing it for humorous purposes? I guess I'm a stickler for details that don't really matter!

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